Blind Duelist

Vestraadi fighters are known for being truly devastating opponents in duels, learning to focus on single enemies with an almost supernatural level of precision.

Crippling Focus

When a blind duelist uses the Focused Sonar racial feature to focus on a single creature or object, willfully blinding himself against all other dynamic objects and creatures, he scores a critical hit against that target on a roll of 18–20.

Prescient Pulse

Beginning at 7th level, when maintaining a Focused Sonar on a single creature or object, you may emit a Discerning Pulse focused on the target. If you do, you gain a level of prescient knowledge about the target’s incoming attacks.

The target suffers from disadvantage on all attacks against you for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus plus your Wisdom modifier. You must finish a short rest before being able to utilize this ability again.

Perfect Parade

Upon reaching at 10th level, when maintaining a Focused Sonar on a single creature or object and the target damages you with an attack, you can use your reaction to roll your melee attack’s damage as though you had hit an opponent. Subtract the number you rolled from the amount of damage you take from the attack.

Improved Prescient Pulse

Beginning at 15th level, when maintaining a Focused Sonar on a single creature or object, you may emit a Discerning Pulse focused on the target. If you do, you gain advantage on all saving throws against spells or effects originating from the target.

Legendary Focus

Starting at 18th level, whenever you use Focused Sonar, you do not have to choose a single creature or object—instead, you can focus on up to your proficiency bonus plus your Wisdom modifier number of creatures at any given time, making you a nigh unstoppable force in small altercations.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Underworld Races and Classes © 2017 AAW Games LLC; Designers: Thilo Graf and Mike Myler