
The practice of necrophagy is similar to that of necromancy, but with a more horrific flavor. Necrophages, sometimes called death eaters, consume the flesh of the recently deceased to steal those creatures’ knowledge and power.

Adherents of this specialty claim that it is the origin of all necromancy magic and necrotic energy. They view the Negative Plane as a cosmic necrophage all its own, devouring all matter, energy, and life and replacing it with necrotic energy and undead.

Except as noted, necrophages function as necromancers and use the wizard spell list. Instead of gaining the corresponding features of the School of Necromancy, a necrophage has the features described below.

Undead Familiar

When adopting this specialty at 2nd level, a necrophage adds the find familiar spell to his or her spellbook if it’s not already there. When a necrophage conjures a familiar, the creature is undead instead of a celestial, fey, or fiend. The familiar gains the following trait.

Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the familiar to 0 hit points, it makes a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the familiar drops to 1 hit point instead.

Memory Of Flesh

A necrophage of 6th level or higher can use an action to consume a bit of flesh from an undead or a recently slain (within 1 hour) creature with an Intelligence of 6 or higher.

An unwilling target is allowed a DC 14 Constitution saving throw to resist the effect.

If the target is affected, the necrophage gains temporary hit points equal to his or her wizard level, and if the target was proficient in any Intelligence skills, the necrophage can pick one of them. He or she gains proficiency in that skill or, if already proficient, doubles his or her normal proficiency bonus when using that skill. The temporary hit points and absorbed skill proficiency last until the necrophage finishes a long rest.

A necrophage can’t target the same creature with this feature twice within 24 hours. If he or she uses the feature on a different creature, the original effect ends.

Fruit of The Mind

A necrophage of 10th level or higher can use Memory of Flesh to gain information from the creature as if the necrophage had cast speak with dead instead of gaining temporary hit points and a skill proficiency. An unwilling target has disadvantage on its saving throw.

As with Memory of Flesh, a necrophage can’t target the same creature with this feature twice within 24 hours. If he or she uses the feature on a different creature, the original effect ends.

A particular creature can be affected by Fruit of the Mind a number of times equal to its Constitution modifier.

Beyond that maximum, fuerther attemts to target it yield no results.

Feed On Life

A necrophage of 14th level or higher gains several benefits after using Memory of Flesh or Fruit of the Mind: he or she no longer requires air, food, drink, or sleep; gains immunity to disease, to being poisoned, and to poison and necrotic damage; and can’t suffer a reduction in hit point maximum. These benefits last until the necrophage finishes a long rest.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Deep Magic for 5th Edition © 2020 Open Design LLC; Authors: Dan Dillon, Chris Harris, and Jeff Lee.