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247 Records Found

Name Source
Carpenter Artisan Specialization
Cobbler Artisan Specialization
College of Acoustics
College of Adjuration ,
College of Banshee/Siren
College of Criminology
College of Cuisine
College of Echoes
College of Entropy
College of Entropy
College of Fame
College of Fatalism
College of Harmony
College of Hexes
College of Hope
College of Masques
College of Mercenaries
College of Phantoms
College of Red Iron
College of Reliquaries
College of Revelry
College of Shadows
College of Spies
College of Spoons
College of Tactics
College of the Ancients
College of the Arts
College of the Crimson Abyss
College of the Howling Souls
College of the Passage
College of the Playwright
College of the Roads
College of the Troubadour
College of Transformation
College of Woe
College of Wolves
College of Alien Symbolism
College of Aoidos
College of Beguilement
College of Choristers
College of Comedy
College of Cuisine
College of Deception
College of Discord
College of Draconic Lore
College of Entropy
College of Festivals
College of Fey Magic
College of Flattery
College of Fortune
College of Grace
College of Hypocrisy
College of Ink
College of Jest
College of Legacy
College of Lore
College of Lore (Studio Agate)
College of Masks
College of Mourners
College of Nature
College of Panderers
College of Pipers
College of Primal Rhythms
College of Salius
College of Seduction
College of Shadow (Bard)
College of Shanties
College Of Skalds
College of Stars
College of the Jester
College of the Mirthful Mariachi
College of the Passage
College of the Sphere
College of Valhalla
College of Virtue
College of Wyrdsingers
Canine Domain
Cat Domain
Chaos Domain
Circle of the Autumn Court
City Domain
Clockwork Domain
Clockwork Domain (Simplified)
Cold (https://theschemingdm.wordpress.com)
Cold (Travis Legge)
Cold Domain
College of Emotion
Communication Domain
Crafts Domain
Creation (Green Ronin)
Creation (Troll Lord Games)
Creation Domain
Circle of Ash
Circle of Augury
Circle of Balance
Circle of Balance
Circle of Bees
Circle of Birds and Beasts
Circle of Blight
Circle of Blood
Circle of Bones
Circle of Burning
Circle of Configuration
Circle of Consuming flames
Circle of Crystals
Circle of Culling
Circle of Death
Circle of Desolation
Circle of Dust
Circle of Elements
Circle of Fermentation
Circle of Gaia
Circle of Life
Circle of Life
Circle of Oaks
Circle of Owls
Circle of Pestilence
Circle of Rime
Circle of Roses
Circle of Rot
Circle of Sacrifice
Circle of Sand
Circle of Scavengers
Circle of Shadows (Druid)
Circle of Shapeless and Primal Terror
Circle of Shapeless and Primal Terror
Circle of Shapeless and Primal Terror (Druid Circle)
Circle of Shifters
Circle of Spirits
Circle of Spirits
Circle of Spirits
Circle of the Ancestors
Circle of the Beastmaker
Circle of the Bough
Circle of the City (Anne Gregersen)
Circle of the City (Everybody Games)
Circle of the Clans
Circle of The Corrupted
Circle of the Crimson Abyss
Circle of the Darkwolves
Circle of the Deep Herds
Circle of the Deeps
Circle of the Dragon
Circle of the Dragonfriend
Circle of the Dying
Circle of the Elements
Circle of the Elements
Circle of the Evergyre
Circle of the Feral Beast
Circle of the Forest Kingdom
Circle of the Forest Kingdom (Druid Circle)
Circle of the Gauls
Circle of the Green
Circle of the Harvest
Circle of the Hoard
Circle of the Laeknar
Circle of the Land
Circle of the Land
Circle of the Land (Studio Agate)
Circle of the Lost
Circle of the Lost
Circle of the Moon
Circle of the Mushroom
Circle of the Obelisk
Circle of the Pagan
Circle of the Predator
Circle of the Shapeless
Circle of the Sky
Circle of the Songbird
Circle of the Spirits
Circle of the Spirits (Open Design LLC)
Circle of the Spirits (Studio Agate)
Circle of the Spring Court
Circle of the Stray
Circle of the Swarm
Circle of the Thousand Young
Circle of the Tree of Life
Circle of The Umbral Wood
Circle of the Unseelie
Circle of the Verdant Lord
Circle of the Völva
Circle of the Weald
Circle of the Willow
Circle of the Wind
Circle of the Winter Court
Circle of the Woad
Circle of Tides
Circle of Wind
Circle of Worked Stone
Circle of Yggdrasil
College of Orpheus
College of Philosophy
College of Ricochets
Close Quarters Fighter
Corpse Knight
Curse of Altered Perception
Curse of Death
Curse of Entropy
Curse of Martyrdom
Curse of Misfortune
Curse of Mutable Form
Curse of Pain
Curse of Violence
Chainmaster Fighter Martial Archetype
Champion (Total Party Kill Games)
Close Quarters Fighter
Corsair (Innovaworks Inc.)
Corsair (Total Party Kill Games)
Curse Weaver (Fighter Martial Archetype)
Colliatur Reaver
Celestial Centurion (Sacred Oath)
Cottager (Sacred Oath)
Cat Burglar
Cat Burglar
Chaos Agent
Counterfeiter Rogue Archetype
Crimson Arachai Roguish Archetype
Cultist of a Dead God
Cultist of the Dead God
Crystal Sorcery
Cunning Woman
Cloak of Coiling Thorns (Warlock Invocation)
Cacus Warlock Patron
Cataclysm Warlock Patron
Cerberus Warlock Patron
Copper Dragon
Corporate Overlord
Cantrip Adept
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