
Corruption has many forms. It can manifest in the most unexpected places. It can reach you in your happiest moment or while you are in utter desperation. Either way, deities of corruption may approach you with a smile that disguises their noxious offers. Clerics of the corrupted domain work as the emissaries of such offers and are masters in invoking the potential corruption within them. Any dark power that can corrupt can claim influence over this domain.

Corrupted Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st detect evil and good, false life
3rd evil mark*, ray of enfeeblement
5th rotball*, stinking cloud
7th burst of corruption*, blight
9th cloudkill, conjure corruptive mass*

Corrupted Initiate

When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain the ability to carry and spread corruption. You can gain Corruption Points of a number equal to your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier (minimum one), which you can use to create different effects. When you use all the points, you must finish a long rest to regain them.

Corruption is an ever-growing malicious force of the universe that gains power as it spreads. Whether the source of corruption is a scheme or chaos, the main purpose of corruption is simply to corrupt more and more. The profane powers of corruption have many potential secrets that you can uncover as you gain more power. You can share your corruption; spread it and you can heal, harm, or dominate.

Sharing Corruption Points. You can share your corruption with others. As an action, you choose a target within 30 feet of you and transfer some of your corruption points to it. If the target is not willing, it can make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. The maximum number of corruption points you can transfer to a target in this way equals your proficiency bonus. Once transferred, the transferred corruption points stay with the target for 8 hours or until they are taken back as a bonus action or spent for an ability.

Profane Healing. Scars can be healed and bleeding can be stopped through the power of corruption, for the sake of further corruption. As an action, you can use the corruption points of your allies within 30 feet of you to heal them. They regain 1d6 hit points for each of their corruption points. The used corruption points are lost. You can use a total number of corruption points equal to your proficiency bonus. Also, when you heal yourself or an ally who has corruption points using a healing spell, you and your other allies within 30 feet of you who also have corruption points regain 1d6 hit points for each of their corruption points.

This action does not require you to spend corruption points. In one attempt, you can affect a maximum number of corruption points equal to your proficiency bonus.

Harming Corruption. Corruption can disturb the physical body or push the boundaries of the soul. As an action, you can use the corruption of enemies within 30 feet of you to harm them. You can choose to damage their bodies by dealing necrotic damage or to harm their souls by warping their minds with frightening images that deal psychic damage. A target must make a successful Constitution (against necrotic damage) or Wisdom (against psychic damage) saving throw against your spell save DC or take 1d6 damage for each corruption point they have. In one attempt, you can use a total number of corruption points equal to your proficiency bonus.

Corrupting Existence

Starting at 1st level, you can share one domain spell that you can use with an ally within 60 feet of you. The ally can use the spell within the next 8 hours, for once, and gains 1 corruption point as the result. The spell uses your spell save DC and spell attack bonus. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest to use it again.

Channel Divinity: Profane Light

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to frighten good-aligned creatures, crushing their will with your corrupted light.

As an action, you present your unholy symbol and speak a prayer condemning the good. Each good creature that can see or hear you within 30 feet must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to your spell save DC). On a failed saving throw, a target creature is frightened for 1 minute or until it takes any damage.

Spells of Corruption

Starting at 6th level, you can enhance your divine spells with the corruption growing inside you to bring agony upon your foes. When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher to damage any creature, you can spend corruption points and the damage of the spell increases by the spell level + the corruption points spent. When you use this feature, you can use a maximum number of corruption points equal to your proficiency bonus.

Corrupted Priest

Starting at 8th level, the intensity of corruption you can carry increases. As a result, the die of the Corrupted Initiate feature changes. You now roll d8s instead of d6s when you use this feature.

Corrupted Mutations

At 17th level, you reach the pinnacle of corruption. As an action, you can spend corruption points to create several effects.

You can choose to create these effects on yourself by spending 10 corruption points, or you can grant them to another creature within 30 feet by transferring 5 of your corruption points to it. You can choose one of the following effects:

  • You can choose to turn the blood of a number of creatures into acid for 1 hour. The maximum number of creatures you can affect in this way equals your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). When the affected creature is attacked with a melee weapon attack, the attacker must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 acid damage.
  • You choose a creature within range (or yourself). The chosen creature gains 50 temporary hit points for 8 hours, or until it takes 50 damage.
  • You can infuse your weapons, or those of your allies within range, with the powers of corruption, turning them into corrupted weapons for 1 hour. The corrupted weapon can deal an extra 2d6 damage of one of the following types of your choice: acid, necrotic, or poison.
  • You can call upon the magical powers of corruption to come to your own aid or share them with an ally within range. When you or your ally casts a spell that deals damage, it deals an extra 3d6 damage of one of the following types of your choice: acid, necrotic, or poison.
  • You can alter your or one of your allies’ bodies to make it tougher. The skin of the affected creature changes and emanates a slightly foul light. Choose one of the following effects: The affected creature either gains resistance to two of the following damage types of your choice: acid, bludgeoning, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, piercing, radiant, slashing, or thunder; or does not suffer extra damage from critical hits.

These effects last for the durations given above, or until you use them or take back the transferred corruption points as a bonus action.

New Condition: Corrupted

When a creature becomes corrupted, it is crushed under an overwhelming array of feelings for 3 rounds. The behaviors of the creature change, and it starts to act in a random way. You roll a d10 to determine the random action of the target creature, as shown in the table below:

Corrupted Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1-2 The creature runs in a random direction as fast as they can for 1 round. It can roll a d8 to determine the direction.
3-4 The creature stops, and starts to think about life, alignments, and the universe itself. It is stunned for 1 round.
5-6 The creature stops and speaks in gibberish for 1 round.
7-8 The creature attacks an enemy.
9-10 The creature attacks the nearest creature, whether it is its friend or its enemy.

Corrupted Characters

If a creature’s corruption points exceed its Wisdom modifier, it must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become a tool of the corruption that it can no longer contain. As a result, the creature becomes Corrupted.

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Corpus Malicious © 2020 Dream Realm Storytellers LTD. All rights reserved.