Path of the Bonebreaker

Every barbarian trades control for power, but you will be worse. The path of the bonebreaker is the certainty that death is too good for your foes. You will see them broken and shattered on the anvil of battle, and what life they have left will languish in regret of the day they met a bonebreaker.

As a bonebreaker, you learn devastating techniques for inflicting maximum bodily harm on your enemies. While in the throes of your rage your attacks mutilate your opponents, breaking bones, gouging eyes, and delivering concussive blows that make them easy prey for you and your allies.

Path of the Bonebreaker Features
Barbarian Level Feature
3rd Shattering Strength
6th Sense Vulnerability
10th Mutilating Critical
14th Relentless Maiming

Shattering Strength

At 3rd level when you adopt this path, you gain access to specialized techniques that you can use to maim your opponents. While you are raging, once per turn when you deal damage to a creature with a melee weapon attack you can choose to use a mutilation, which are detailed under “Mutilations” below. You can attempt a mutilation three times during a given rage.

The effects of your mutilations last until removed. Recovering from a mutilation requires a creature to use its action to make a successful Medicine check versus your mutilation save DC. The mutilation also ends if the creature regains 10 or more hit points. A creature that lacks the necessary anatomy, such as bones or eyes, may be immune to the effects of your mutilations, and creatures with abundant anatomy, such as many eyes or limbs, might have advantage on saving throws to resist your mutilations, at the GM’s discretion.

Saving Throws. Your mutilations require your target to make a saving throw to resist the mutilation’s effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Mutilation save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier

Sense Vulnerability

Beginning at 6th level, you gain keen insight into the vulnerabilities of your enemies. As a bonus action, you can study a creature you can see within 60 ft. to learn information about its vulnerabilities to your mutilations. The GM tells you which mutilations (if any) the creature is immune to or has advantage on saving throws to resist due to its anatomy or physiology.

Mutilating Critical

At 10th level, when you score a critical hit, you may choose to use a mutilation on that attack without it counting against your limit of three mutilations per rage. Additionally, when you use a mutilation as part of a critical hit, the target has disadvantage on saving throws against the mutilation.

Relentless Maiming

At 14th level, your fury only grows when you fail to brutalize an opponent. When a creature succeeds on a saving throw against a mutilation, you gain an additional use of a mutilation during your current rage, allowing you to relentlessly ruin your foes.

Epic Primal Path: Path of the Bonebreaker

At 26th level, enemies you have mutilated can be dispatched with ease. Creatures under the effects of your mutilations are vulnerable to damage dealt by you.


There are four mutilations available to you, and you know all of them.

Concussed. Your blow rattles the minds of your opponents, forcing them to make a Constitution saving throw. A failed saving throw imposes disadvantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration on spells, and, when the creature attempts to cast a spell, it must succeed on a Constitution ability check, the DC of which equals 10 + the spell’s level (DC 10 for cantrips) or the spell fails and the spell slot or use of that spell is expended.

Contorted. Your blow twists the creature’s body in ways it was not meant to bend, forcing it to succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be unable to take bonus actions or reactions.

Gouged. Your blow gouges your opponent’s eyes, forcing them to succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become blinded.

Shattered. Your blow snaps the bones and musculature of your enemy. You may select a limb your enemy possesses (such as an arm or leg) and force it to succeed on a Constitution saving throw or suffer the following effects according to the limb you selected.

  • Limb used for attacking or holding items and objects. The creature drops whatever it was holding in that limb and has disadvantage on attacks and ability checks that require the use of that limb.
  • Limb used for moving. The creature’s speed is halved and has disadvantage on ability checks that require the use of that limb.
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Epic Legacy Campaign Codex Copyright 2020 2CGaming, LLC Author Ryan Servis

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