
Huge giant, neutral evil

Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 202 (15d12+105)
Speed 30 ft.

29 (+9) 14 (+2) 25 (+7) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 23 (+6)

Saves Cha +11, Con +12, Str +14
Senses passive Perception 19
Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities poisoned
Skills Deception +11, Intimidation +11, Perception +9
Languages Aklo, Common, Giant
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)


  • Innate Spellcasting. The angurboda’s spell casting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 19). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:
  • Polylingual. Whenever the angurboda is polymorphed through its Shapechanger ability, it can read, speak, write, and understand the creature’s racial languages.
  • Shapechanger. The angurboda can use its action into any Huge or smaller beast, giant, humanoid, or monstrosity it has seen, or back into its true form. Its statistics, other than its size, are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.


  • Multiattack. The angurboda makes three slam attacks.
  • Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, 15 ft. reach, one target. Hit: 22 (2d12 + 9) bludgeoning damage and 5 (1d10) necrotic damage.
  • Mother of Monsters (1/Day). The angurboda can give birth to a Large or smaller beast, humanoid, giant, or monstrosity of Challenge 5 or less. These creatures are born fully grown and are helpful towards the angurboda for 1 hour, after which they become indifferent towards her, though may remain loyal through persuasion or magical control.


  • Evil Eye. The angurboda can force a creature it sees within 30 feet to make an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check with disadvantage.


Angurbodas are horrible ogresses that are known in some cultures as the “mothers of monsters.” They are fecund in the extreme, able to mate with virtually any species, though their offspring are uniformly hideous and savage, often of unusual size and bulk and possessing a variety of deformities. An angurboda is a shapechanger and often spends its time in forms other than its own, but in its natural shape an angurboda is 16 feet tall and weighs 7,000 pounds, with sallow skin mottled like spattered mud.

Hag Mothers. Angurbodas are versatile and adaptable creatures, able to survive in virtually any environment by virtue of their shapeshifting powers. Some believe they originated in the Fey Realms as horrid counterparts to the hag races, while some believe they were outcast and accursed by the gods and hurled from the outer planes to imprisonment in the realms of the fey, from whence they wandered into the mortal realms and found those hunting grounds much more to their liking. It is also possible they have always lived in the mortal world and simply used their magical powers to impersonate the fey or deflect blame for their predations onto them, diverting attention from their own fell deeds.

Angurbodas have no true society of their own, avoiding others of their kind if they are known to have established their claim to a particular region. They often gather hags into their service, however, either birthing them themselves or making alliances with them, and will typically use hags as their messengers or go-betweens, prospecting for potential mates and bringing the choicest of the lot to their ogrish mother.

Fecundity. Angurbodas are solitary in terms of their own kind, but they often live among other creatures unnoticed, blending in effortlessly with their surroundings and inveigling their way into the hearts and minds of the unwary to mate with them.

Fecund in the extreme, angurbodas are entirely indiscriminate in their collection of male seed. Their reproductive tracts can store unused material for years at a time, though the cells of the unborn are typically warped and corrupted by their time in the angurboda’s womb or even melded with the stuff of life drawn from any number of the angurboda’s other bestial ruts.

The angurboda can bring forth such befouled fruit from her womb with terrifying speed, growing monsters in her belly and disgorging them like an amniotic avalanche into the world, already fierce and ready to fight.

Gruesome Gorger. Angurbodas are omnivorous, content to scavenge carrion and decayed plant matter at need, though they crave the taste of blood and flesh in their natural form and have prodigious appetites, able to devour unthinkable amounts of food at a time. When shapechanged, they are canny enough to fit their dietary habits to the culture and society around them, but more than one angurboda has given away her ruse in an appalling display of gorging and odious table manners when she has spent too long a time away from her natural form. Angurbodas are long-lived, able to survive over 300 years. When living among other cultures, angurbodas often use their magical talents to pass themselves off as wise women, sages, or cult leaders, using their magical and alchemical knowledge to beguile the unwary with their concoctions and confabulations. A rare angurboda may strive for a place of prominence in society, though it is far more common for them to assume a role with access to power but a much lower profile, enabling them to obtain the things they want without exposing themselves to scrutiny that might betray their monstrous intentions. Besides, their urge to procreate cannot long be suppressed, and few angurbodas will stoop to eating their own children to prevent their predations from leading back to their monstrous mother and revealing her deceptions. Thus, even for angurbodas that spend much of their time in shapechanged disguise, they must often remove themselves into the wild and shadowed places to bring forth ever more monsters into the world.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Faerie Bestiary (5E) © 2022, Legendary Games; Authors Matt Kimmel, Michael “solomani” Mifsud, Miguel Colon, Robert J. Grady, Jason Nelson, Jeff Ibach, Tim Hitchcock.

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