Epic Bard

Family: NPC

Medium humanoid (half-elf), neutral good bard (lore, whispers) 21

Armor Class 19 (+3 leather, ring of protection)
Hit Points 178 (21d8+84)
Speed 30 ft., jump 30 ft. (vertical 15 ft.)

14 (+2) 18 (+4) 19 (+4) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 20 (+5)

Saving Throws Str +3, Dex +12, Con +5, Int +3, Wis +4, Cha +13
Skills Arcana +9, Athletics +9, Deception +19, Insight +17, Nature +9, Perception +10, Performance +19, Persuasion +19, Sleight of Hand +11, Stealth +11; instruments +12
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 20
Languages Common, Elvish
Challenge 19 (22,000 XP)


  • Epic Bardic Inspiration 1d12 (5/Short Rest). Once on their turn (no action required) or as a bonus action, the bard can choose one other creature within 60 feet who can hear them. That creature gains one Bardic Inspiration die, a d12. Once within the next 10 minutes, the creature can roll the die and add the number rolled to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw it makes. The creature can wait until after it rolls the d20 before deciding to use the Bardic Inspiration die, but must decide before the GM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. When the bard rolls initiative and has no uses of Bardic Inspiration left, they regain one use.
  • Countercharm. As an action, the bard can start a performance that lasts until the end of their next turn. During that time, the bard and any friendly creatures within 30 feet of them have advantage on saving throws against being frightened or charmed. A creature must be able to hear the bard to gain this benefit. The performance ends early if the bard is incapacitated or silenced, or if they voluntarily end it (no action required).
  • Enchanted Items. The bard carries a potent magical golden lute and wears an amulet of health, boots of striding and springing, ring of evasion (3 charges; reaction to succeed on a failed Dexterity saving throw), ring of protection, and +3 leather armor.
  • Jack of All Trades. The bard adds +3 to any ability check they make that doesn’t already include their proficiency bonus.
  • Peerless Skill. When the bard makes an ability check, they can expend one use of Bardic Inspiration to roll 1d12 and add the number rolled to their ability check. The bard can choose to do so after they roll the die for the ability check, but before the GM tells them whether they succeed or fail.
  • Prestige. Commoners and other NPCs recognize the bard or at the very least know their name, and they are treated as an equal (or nearly as much) by empresses, monarchs, and other heads of state. Tavern owners want the bard to play, music halls vie for their attention, and royal courts are eager to have them visit. The bard gains advantage on Charisma checks made against lesser members and servants of royal courts, tavern owners and workers, and anyone else that hires performers.
  • Psionic Strike (1/Turn). The bard expends one use of Bardic Inspiration when they hit a creature with a melee weapon attack to deal an extra 10 (3d6) psychic damage.
  • Spellcasting. The bard is a 21st-level spellcaster that uses Charisma as their spellcasting ability (spell save DC 20; +12 to hit with spell attacks). They know the following bard spells:
  • Song of Rest. At the end of a short rest, if the bard or any friendly creatures who can hear their performance regain hit points by spending one or more Hit Dice, each of those creatures regains an extra 1d12 hit points.
  • Terrifying (1/Short Rest). The bard can horrify a creature that can understand what they say during 1 minute of talking, forcing it to make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, for the next hour the creature is frightened of the bard or a creature of their choosing. The effect ends when the creature is attacked, damaged, or witnesses an ally be attacked or damaged. On a successful save, the target doesn’t recognize the bard’s attempt to frighten it.


  • Golden Lute. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (4d6+2) magical bludgeoning damage plus 18 (4d8) thunder damage.
  • Golden Note. Ranged Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, range 100/500 ft., one target. Hit: 27 (6d8) force damage and 27 (6d8) thunder damage.


  • Cutting Words. When a creature that the bard can see within 60 feet of them makes an attack roll, an ability check, or a damage roll, they can use their reaction to expend one of use of Bardic Inspiration, rolling 1d12 and subtracting the number rolled from the creature’s roll. The bard can choose to use this feature after the creature makes its roll, but before the GM determines whether the attack roll or ability check succeeds or fails, or before the creature deals its damage. The creature is immune if it can’t hear the bard or if it’s immune to being charmed.
Section 15: Copyright Notice

Epic Depths © 2021 Mike Myler, published under license by Legendary Games.

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