Hag, Mute

Family: Hags

Medium fey (hag), chaotic evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 136 (16d8+64)
Speed 30 ft.

23 (+6) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3)

Skills Arcana +6, Insight +6, Intimidation +6, Perception +9, Stealth +6
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with silvered weapons
Damage Immunities cold
Damage Immunities fire
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, frightened
Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 19
Languages Common, Draconic, Giant, Goblin, Sylvan (cannot speak)
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)


  • Multiattack. The hag makes two attacks: a bite and claws.
  • Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d6 + 6) piercing damage.
  • Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) slashing damage.
  • Change Shape. The hag magically polymorphs into a Small or Medium female humanoid, or back into her true form. Her statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment she is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. She reverts to her true form if she dies.
  • Invisibility. The hag magically turns invisible until she attacks or casts a spell, or until her concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). Any equipment the hag wears or carries is invisible with her.


When bitterness consumes a woman already steeped in arcane power, that energy may sour, driving her to rip out her own eyes and tongue and burning the light from her soul.

This ritual births a strange and horrible creature: a mute hag. These hateful abominations dedicate their wretched lives to spreading misery and strangling joy wherever they go. Mute hags resemble mortal women, but with blotchy, bruised-looking skin. Some conceal their empty eye sockets and ragged teeth with veils or their own hair, but most relish their hideous countenances. Mute hags stand 6 to 7 feet tall and weigh 150 to 250 pounds.

Harvester of Sorrow. Mute hags exist to unmake happy things. Tales claim the natural order despises the crones so much that plants wither at their touch, storms churn at their passing, and wounds they inflict never heal. Though physically capable of ripping a man in two, the crones prefer to corrupt instead. They move silently through peaceful settlements, granting the inhabitants’ darkest desires and sowing the seeds of discord. Nothing pleases a mute hag more than watching friends, neighbors, and lovers murder one another in paranoia and rage. Many strike unholy bargains with mortal outcasts, granting vigor, beauty, or revenge in exchange for vile and unforgivable crimes.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Faerie Bestiary (5E) © 2022, Legendary Games; Authors Matt Kimmel, Michael “solomani” Mifsud, Miguel Colon, Robert J. Grady, Jason Nelson, Jeff Ibach, Tim Hitchcock.

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