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74 Records Found

Name Source
Earthen Shield
Eclectic Training
Eel Strike
Efficient Artisan
Efficient Survivalist
Eldritch Power
Elemental Affinity
Elemental Channel
Elemental Focus
Elemental Fury
Elemental Fury
Elemental Inurement
Elemental Mastery
Elemental Penetration
Elemental Spell
Elusive Dance
Elven Accuracy
Elven Alertness
Elven Arrow Deflection
Elven Battle Training
Elven Charm
Elven Grace
Elven Loremaster
Elven Resolve
Elven Sword-Dancer
Elven Sword-Singer
Empowered Spell
Energy Resistance
Enfilading Fire
Enhanced Rock Throwing
Enhanced Wishes
Enlarged Cerebrum
Epic Defense
Epic Expertise
Epic Resistance
Epic Warrior
Erudite Feaster
Escape Route
Evolved Crystal Conductivity
Exhaustive Burnout
Exotic Weapon Master
Exotic Weapon Master
Expanding Torso
Expeditious Alchemy
Expel Spirits
Expert Trapsmith
Explosive Treatment
Expression Blank
Extended Spell
Extra Attunement
Extra Channel
Extra Combat Style
Extra Fighting Style
Extra Fighting Style
Extra Inspiration
Extra Ki
Extra Lay On Hands
Extra Rage
Extra Secondary Archetype
Extra Secondary Archetype Feature
Extra Secret of the Stone
Extra Skills
Extreme Speed
Eye of the Storm
Eyes of Ice
Eyes of the Watcher
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