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Magic Items

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111 Records Found

Name Source
Eager Blade
Earring of Farseeing
Earrings of Eclipse
Earthenport Plate
Earthenport Plate
Earthshatter Greatclub
Eau de Attrait
Eau de Pourriture
Ebony Beetle Armor
Eclipse Wand
Ecstasy Scourge
Ectoplasm Armor
Ectoplasmic Elixir
Efficacious Eyewash
Elder Talisman
Elderwood Horn
Elderwood Staff
Eldritch Respirator
Electroshock Glove
Electroshock Glove
Element Pharaoh’s Crook
Element Pharaoh’s Crook
Elemental Bender
Elixer of Inner Breath
Elixir of Animalia
Elixir of Antimordetis
Elixir of Arcane Concordance
Elixir of Arcane Concordance
Elixir of Corruption
Elixir of Deep Slumber
Elixir of Focus
Elixir of Hiding
Elixir of Hiding
Elixir of Mimicry
Elixir of Mutable Flesh
Elixir of Mutable Flesh
Elixir of Mutable Soul
Elixir of Mutable Soul
Elixir of Oracular Delirium
Elixir of Spike Skin
Elixir of the Clear Mind
Elixir of the Deep
Elixir of Wakefulness
Elixir of Wonder
Elven Chain
Emblazon Erratica
Emblem of Fire
Emerald Goblet
Emperor’s Sword
Empowered Feed
Empowering Amplifier
Empowering Crystal
Empyrean Blade
Empyrean Halo
Encouraging Armor
Endless Bandoleer
Endless Bandolier
Energetic Lamp
Energy Blade
Energy Blade
Energy Blade
Energy Leech
Energy Shroud Ring
Energy Shroud Ring
Enervating Glove
Enigma of Nyarlathotep
Enokitake’s Fantastic Fertilizer
Enraging Ammunition
Ensign of Parley
Ensnaring Ammunition
Enspelled Armor
Entrenching Mattock
Entrenching Spade
Envisioner’s Compass
Errant’s Gage
Errant’s Gage
Escape Artist’s Band
Escape Artist’s Band
Escape Dust
Esquire’s Rowels
Essence Potion of Memory
Eternal Rancor
Ether Whip
Ethercrystal Manarod
Ethereal Axe
Ettercap Cheese
Everburning Torch
Everwake Ring
Everyday Vest
Everyday Vest
Exodus Knife
Exploding Skull
Exsanguinating Blade
Extending Staff
Extract of Dual-mindedness ,
Extraordinary Essence Potion of Identity
Eye Know
Eye of Avarice
Eye of Horus
Eye of Ornduhl
Eye of the Graeae
Eye of the Ice Wizard
Eye of the Wraith
Eye Patch of Adjustment
Eye Patch of Adjustment
Eyeglass of Appraising
Eyes of Charming
Eyes of Keen Discernment
Eyes of the Portal Masters
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