Biography Draconis

Wondrous item, varies

This tome is bound in dragon scales and titled with the name of a specific dragon. Within its pages are detailed a near encyclopedic account of that dragon’s life. Each biography is unique. Some account for dragons alive and active, while others speak of dragons predating recorded history.

If you spend 48 hours over a period of seven days or fewer reading the book and examining its contents, you learn the following details (when applicable) about the dragon about which the book is written.

  • Hit point maximum
  • Saving throw proficiencies
  • Damage resistances, immunities, and vulnerabilities
  • Energy type
  • Contents of hoard
  • Location of lair
  • Basic details concerning allies, family, and associates
  • Age category
  • Additional information of the GM’s choosing

The book then loses its magic but regains it after a decade passes.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Dragonflight Copyright 2022 2CGaming, LLC Authors Ryan Servis, Casey Machado, Joshua Mendenhall

This is not the complete license attribution - see the full license for this page