Box of Shadows

Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)

This major artifact is inherently evil. The box appears to be silver but is truly a thin, strong material called ithilnaur. Painted black, it measures about one foot long, eight inches wide, six inches tall and weighs about 5 pounds. It can be locked, and the lock cannot be opened except with the proper key (it cannot be picked or opened by magic).

If opened, the box emanates a continual hallow spell (of unholy power) that moves with it.

The box has ten charges. It regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn and dusk. As an action, you can expend one or more charges and use one of the following abilities.

  • 1 charge-Infuse yourself with shadows for as long as you remain touching the box. This gives you advantage and double your proficiency bonus on Dexterity (Stealth)-checks. While you are infused with shadows, you can try to hide in plain sight by pressing yourself up against a solid surface, such as a tree or wall, that is at least as tall and wide as you are.
  • 2 charges-Travel through shadows at a walking speed of 300 feet, emerging after an hour (or earlier, if you choose).
  • 2 charges-Summon 3d6 shadows or 1d6 greater shadows. These shadows understand and obey your commands, and remain for ten rounds.
  • 3 chargesConjure celestial, except it summons a fiend that is a semi-real illusion infused with shadow.
  • 3 chargesConjure elemental, except the elemental is a semi-real illusion infused with shadow.

Semi-real illusions created by the box of shadows have disadvantage on their attacks, and opponents have advantage on their saves against them. The first time an opponent sees or interacts with the semi-real illusion, they can attempt an Intelligence (Investigation) check to recognize that it is partially illusory. A creature that recognizes this has resistance to the illusion’s attacks and the illusion has vulnerability to the creature’s attacks.

If you are infused with shadows, you can choose to sacrifice some of your own soul into the box. This permanently reduces your hit point maximum by 10, a loss that cannot be restored. In exchange, when touching the box you have displacement (as a cloak of displacement) and resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons. Once you make this sacrifice, this benefit automatically returns every time you use the box to infuse yourself with shadow.

Semi-real illusions created by the box of shadows have disadvantage on their attacks, and opponents have advantage on their saves against them. The first time an opponent sees or interacts with the semi-real illusion, they can attempt an Intelligence (Investigation) check to recognize that it is partially illusory.

A creature that recognizes this has resistance to the illusion’s attacks and the illusion has vulnerability to the creature’s attacks.

If you are infused with shadows, you can choose to sacrifice some of your own soul into the box. This permanently reduces your hit point maximum by 10, a loss that cannot be restored. In exchange, when touching the box you have displacement (as a cloak of displacement) and resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons. Once you make this sacrifice, this benefit automatically returns every time you use the box to infuse yourself with shadow.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Ptolus Monte Cooks City by the Spire (5e) Copyright 2021 Monte Cook Games. Author Monte Cook. 5e Conversion Sean K. Reynolds, Bruce R. Cordell

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