
Chemosol may represent any number of different types of chemicals that come in small, highly pressurized canisters. Activated by depressing a nozzle button on the top of the canister, it unleashes a 15-foot cone of contact chemicals or inhalants. Common chemicals include artificial hormones or pheromones, neurological disruptors, and irritants. The effects and costs of assorted chemicals are listed below. Each canister contains a single dose or application of the desired chemical.

CS1: Artificial Hormone

Potion (chemosol), rare

When sprayed, an artificial hormone produces a small 20-foot diameter cloud, 10 feet in height that lingers for 1d4 rounds. Inhaling these chemicals creates a homeostatic negative feedback loop causing a sudden spike blood pressure and a rapid elevation of the individual’s stress level. Those coming in contact with the chemical must succeed a DC 14 Constitution saving throw to avoid the effects. Failure makes the individual lightheaded and unable to concentrate. For the next 1d4 rounds, the individual flushes and start sweating profusely. His vision blurs disadvantage on Perception skill checks. Furthermore, lightheadedness makes concentration difficult, leaves him unable to take bonus actions.

CS2: Artificial Pheromones

Potion (chemosol), uncommon

Artificial pheromones can be used to alter the way an individual responds to you. The user activates the pheromone by applying the chemicals to their own body. The nearly undetectable scent of the artificial pheromones triggers an attraction response from creatures of the same type within 10 feet, granting advantage on Charisma checks for 10 minutes; however, the volatile pheromones are immediately negated if the user takes 10 or more points of acid or fire damage or is exposed to a scent-based effect like stinking cloud. Creatures with no sense of smell are unaffected by artificial pheromones.

CS3: Irritant

Potion (chemosol), common

These pressurized chemical irritants can be sprayed on a creature as a ranged weapon attack (range 20 feet), causing the target’s flesh to break out into a painful blistering rash. The target takes 1d6 points of acid damage, plus 1 additional point of acid damage per round until the target can treat the inflammation, which requires any effect that heals damage or spending an action to make a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) skill check.

CS4: Stimsensitizer

Potion (chemosol), uncommon

This canister sprays a 15-foot cone of chemicals that greatly increase sensitivity to a specific type of sensory stimulus, determined when the stimsensitizer is created. This may be bright light, loud sound, strong smells, heat, or cold. Creatures in the cone become highly sensitive to the chosen stimulus for 10 minutes unless they make a successful DC 12 Constitution saving throw. Creatures made sensitive to heat or cold by stimsensitizer have disadvantage on saving throws against fire or cold effects, respectively. Creatures made sensitive to bright light, loud sounds, or strong smells likewise have disadvantage on saving throws against effects of those types, and whenever exposed to such stimuli take 1d6 psychic damage per minute of exposure. Creatures can avoid this damage by moving away from the source of the stimulus or taking cover or shelter, such as closing their eyes, covering their ears, or holding their nose, or simply finding some form of cover or shelter from exposure to it.

CS5: Neurological Disruptor

Potion (chemosol), uncommon

This chemosol canister can be used to make a ranged weapon attack (range 30 feet). The neurotoxic chemicals cause a living creature’s nervous system to temporarily short out, incapacitating the target for 1 round unless they make a successful DC 10 Constitution saving throw. This is a pain and poison effect. The neurotoxin is much less effective against larger creatures. Large creatures have advantage on their saving throws, while Gargantuan creatures are immune to it. Small creatures take a -1 penalty on their saving throw, while Tiny creatures have disadvantage on their save.

CS6: Neurological Exciter

Potion (chemosol), rare

A neurological exciter can be sprayed to produce a small 20-foot diameter cloud, 10 feet in height that lingers for 1d4 rounds. Victims within or entering the cloud are wracked with uncontrollable spasms and convulsions for 1d4 rounds unless they make a successful DC 12 Constitution saving throw. While convulsing, creatures are treated as incapacitated, but also move 5 feet each round in a random direction. A creature adjacent to a convulsing creature after it moves takes 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage from its flailing limbs and thrashing body. A convulsing creature can attempt a new Constitution saving throw each round at the end of its turn to end the convulsions. The convulsions can be ended immediately by protection from poison.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

The Dragon’s Hoard #13 © 2021, Legendary Games; Authors Jason Nelson, Miguel Colon, Robert J. Grady, Michael “solomani” Mifsud, Dan Dillon, Matt Kimmel, Scott D. Young, and JamesLevi Cooke

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