Sands of Reminiscence

Wondrous item, rare

This magic hourglass is empty but has a small hatch on the top, through which it can be filled with sand, dirt, dust, or liquid. When the hourglass is filled with a substance from an area and turned upside down, it projects colorless, ghostlike visions in an area up to 30 feet around it, showing an event that has transpired in the past in that area. The event shown is typically the most tragic, violent, or otherwise significant event that has occurred within a period of time, determined by how much matter is placed into the hourglass: a pinch shows up to a day; two pinches show up to a month; three pinches show up to a year, and if completely filled, the hourglass can show events that have transpired several centuries ago. Once used, this property can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Wanderer’s Guide to Merchants & Magic. Copyright 2021. Eventyr Games.

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