Scroll of Time Travel

Scroll, legendary

As an action, you can read the scroll to transport you and up to eight willing creatures within 10 feet of you back in time. You can specify a point in time in vague terms (“A hundred years ago”) or in detail (“The day before the High Mage freed the primordial”) and you appear at exactly that time, along with everything you are wearing or carrying. If you travel to a point in the past where you existed, you appear exactly where you were and as you were at that point in time, though you retain any objects, experiences, and knowledge you acquired in your future life. Otherwise, you appear in the exact same spot (or nearest unoccupied space) where you used the scroll, though in a different time.

When you use the scroll, you must also specify how long your visit to the past will last, which can be anything from minutes to forever. When that much time has passed, you and up to eight willing creatures within 10 feet of you are transported back to the present, arriving only a moment after you used the scroll.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Wanderer’s Guide to Merchants & Magic. Copyright 2021. Eventyr Games.

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