
Pookas are a race of faetouched humanoids with rabbitlike attributes, notably rabbit ears and feet. They are known for their magical research and spellcraft.


Ability Score Increase. One ability score of your choice increases by 2, and a different one increases by 1.

Age. Pookas age as humans and rarely live past 120.

Alignment. Despite their mischievous lineage, pookas cover the alignment spectrum.

Rarity. Uncommon.

Size. A pooka is built like a human, although a pooka’s ears add an extra foot to their height. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness within the same range as if it were dim light. Absent even dim light, this vision is monochromatic.

Heritage (Fey). You are humanoid, but you are considered to be fey whenever it is detrimental for you.

Keen Ears. When using your sense of hearing to attempt Wisdom (Perception) checks, you can add your proficiency bonus. If you have proficiency in Perception, your proficiency bonus is doubled for this purpose.

Jumper. Double the distance you can jump.

Speak with Animals. You can speak with animals, per the spell of the same name, at will. This trait is nonmagical.

Transport via Hat. If you can cast spells, add transport via hat (or see spell details below) to the spells you know.

Languages. You speak, read, and write Common. You can also speak, read, and write either Fae or Wildkin.

Transport via Hat

6th-level conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Components: V, S

Duration: 1 round

You create a magical link between a target unworn, inanimate piece of headwear within range and another unworn, inanimate piece of head wear, at any distance, on the same plane. You must have seen or touched the destination hat at least once before. For the duration, any creature can touch the target hat and exit from the destination hat by using 5 feet of movement. If while you touch the target hat, you use it to exit from the destination hat, you can cause the target hat to transport with you.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Tales of Arcana Race Guide © 2021 Arcanomicon, LLC Author(s) Matt Knicl, Chris S. Sims

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