
A beggar steps from the shadows, clothed in a strange combination of castoff items, trash, and foodstuffs.

Upon closer inspection, it’s clear that these aren’t clothes — this creature itself is composed of a wild variety of mismatched goods. A bent spoon functioning as a lower jaw moves as they ask for whatever can be spared. Upon receiving a handful of coppers, the strange creature places two coins where one would think the eyes should be. “Thank you, friend, it is good to see again.” Shamblefolk, perhaps the creation of some mad archmage, or perhaps crafted from the dream of some forgotten deity, are crafted of a seemingly random collection of items that animate together to create a strange but living being.

Living Scraps

Shamblefolk are living humanoids, despite being composed of random materials. Resting, healing magic, and the Medicine skill all supply the same benefits to shamblefolk that they do to others.

An Ever-Changing Form

Shamblefolk may be composed of any number of items: rocks from the ground, pieces of driftwood, discarded and rusted weapons, or even bits of food.

The shamblefolk occasionally shed these items and must replace them with fresh ones to continue their odd existence. Regardless of the items composing a shamblefolk, their form tends to be roughly humanoid in shape, with two arms, two legs, and a head, though anomalies do exist.

This provides a shamblefolk a strange ability to rebuild themselves when they are wounded, each item held as part of the whole by some unknown force. When a shamblefolk dies, the pieces that were once fitted together fall apart in a pile of random bits.

Masters of Craft

Perhaps it is their composition that gives shamblefolk an affinity for creating new things, but shamblefolk tend towards crafting in their pursuits, and excel in these fields. Many shamblefolk find their crafts from leatherwork to weaving to shipbuilding highly sought after due to their excellent construction. This can often give the shamblefolk an opportunity to integrate into whatever society they find themselves.


The shamblefolk have no adhering culture from which to name themselves, and they often find themselves named by others, whether acquaintances, colleagues, or customers. Names like Junkpile, Hammerhand, or Ramshackle are often more descriptive names that shamblefolk are named.

Shamblefolk Traits

Your Shamblefolk character has the following traits:

  • Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
  • Age. The Shamblefolk age strangely. Each passing year, they find it more and more difficult to maintain their form. Shamblefolk mature quickly, usually within a year, and can maintain their forms for 50 years or in some cases longer.
  • Alignment. The shamblefolk lean towards lawful and good alignments.
  • Size. The height and weight of shamblefolk can vary widely. Even a specific shamblefolk may find their height and weight changing based on the items comprising them. Most average around 5 feet in height and 200 pounds in weight. Your size can be Medium or Small (your choice).
  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet (Medium) or 25 feet (Small).
  • Innate Crafter. You have proficiency in two tool sets of your choice. You are always considered to have these tool sets on hand and can freely meld the components you need in and out of your form. Alternatively, over the course of 10 minutes, you can create the perfect tool for the job out of your form, granting you advantage on any ability check made using these tool sets.
  • Mutable Size. You can tinker with your component parts to change your size. If you have access to sufficient material, as part of a short or long rest, you can change your size from Medium to Small or vice versa.
  • Replaceable Parts. Your ability to replace damaged parts allows you to heal yourself when wounded. As an action, you may use materials around you to regain a number of hit points equal to twice your level. Once you use this ability, you may not use it again until you complete a short or long rest. Severed limbs, digits, and parts (fingers, legs, ears, etc.) can be replaced after completing a short or long rest. You merely hold the replacement part to the severed body part, and it adheres itself to your frame, functioning as the missing part.
  • Storage Container. Shamblefolk often store useful items within their own frame. You can absorb any item smaller than you into your own frame as an action. As a bonus action on a subsequent turn, you can recall this item to have it held or worn as appropriate. A stored item is perfectly concealed.
  • Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language. The additional language is usually appropriate to the society in which you dwell.
Section 15: Copyright Notice

Galder’s Gazetteer Author(s) Matt Click, Gabe Hicks, Jess Ross

This is not the complete license attribution - see the full license for this page