Cloud of Razors

1st-level conjuration

Classes sorcerer, wizard, warlock

Casting Time 1 action

Range 60 feet

Components V, S, M (1 small razor)

Duration 5 + spellcasting modifier rounds

Note This spell is a rework of the core spell of the same name.

You conjure a multitude of razors that cut the flesh of the target creature. If the target fails a Dexterity saving throw, they are dealt 1 slashing damage at the beginning of each of their turns. This damage, while physical is considered to be from a magic weapon for resistance purposes.

At Higher Levels When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd or higher, the damage each round increases to 2. The damage further increases to 3 if you instead use a spell slot of 5th or higher.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Read Magic: Vigor (5E) © 2022, Orphaned Bookworm Productions; Authors: Connor Bates

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