
7th-level conjuration

Casting Time:1 action

Range:120 feet

Components:V, S, M (a handful of earth)


Classes: druid

You create a massive rampart of hard-packed earth and stone 5 feet thick and 10 feet high. You can make the wall up to 240 feet long in a straight line, or up to 120 feet long in any shape you choose so long as it makes one continuous path along the ground. The rampart cannot extend into any area you cannot see.

When the rampart appears, each creature within its area must make a Strength saving throw. A creature takes 4d8 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. In addition, a creature failing its save is forced prone, and a Medium or smaller creature is also restrained under the mounds of earth and stone. Each round at the end of its turn, a buried creature can attempt a new Strength saving throw to dig itself out. If failed, they remain restrained and take an additional 2d8 bludgeoning damage. Creatures able to burrow automatically succeed on this saving throw. If you create a rampart so that it fills an enclosed space, such as a 5-foot-wide dungeon corridor with a ceiling that is 10 feet high or less, creatures that succeed in their saving throws can still move through that area, though they are treated as prone and squeezing.

Other creatures can attempt to dig a creature out by making their own Strength saving throw as an action, though they have disadvantage on this check unless they have a shovel, pick, or similar digging tool.

The rampart is an object made of earth and stone that can be damaged and thus breached. Each 10-foot section is AC 12 and has 300 hit points. Reducing a section to 0 hit points causes it to collapse.

Unlike a wall of stone, a rampart cannot be used as a bridge and it must be vertical. Once created, it is permanent and can’t be dispelled.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

The Dragon’s Hoard #18 © 2022, Legendary Games; Authors Jason Nelson, Miguel Colon, Alex Riggs, Mike Myler, Robert J. Grady, Michael “solomani” Mifsud, Darrin Drader, Matt Kimmel, Scott D. Young.

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