
Vehicles are an essential element of cinematic science fiction gaming, because vehicular scenes are dynamic, dangerous, and involve interesting technologies. The vehicles system we provide here can be thought of as a means of playing the existing game on a different scale. The goal here is to have a simple means of achieving a fun, tactical vehicular encounter.

Players essentially ride within machines made using the NPC/ monster creation rules presented in chapter 8. By moving together within vehicles, using the mounted weapons the vessel provides, encounters in space or up in the sky have a fresh feeling, even while utilizing well-known gambits.

The power of a vessel allows for a PC party to take on much more challenging foes, and thereby enables more epic encounters earlier on in a party’s adventuring campaign.


Scale, Speed, and Size

Vehicles exist on a larger, vaguer scale than normal movement.

Speeds and distances are measured in “squares” and represent 3D space on a 2D grid in most cases. Vehicles will have speeds listed as Air, Land, or Space, representing just which scale that vehicle belongs on.

Vehicles have a size, just as creatures do, ranging from tiny to gargantuan. This is mostly just to let you know how many squares the vehicle should take up on the grid.


Vehicles are essentially assembled the same way that monsters/NPCs are, using the template system outlined in Chapter 8, with the addition of the following Hyper template.

This template simply means that the vehicle is capable of whatever form of faster-than-light travel that’s available in your setting. This might mean a simple FTL drive to move itself, it might mean that the ship can open interspacial gateways or otherwise utilize a hyperlane network.

Hyper +1/2 CR The ship can travel faster than light.


Vehicles on the same side are able to form up into squads (called squadrons usually) of up to 10 units of the same size. A squad comprised of small or tiny sized vehicles can fit within a single square, with movement directed by the squad leader if the battle is large enough to warrant it (GM’s discretion).

Faster Than Light

This book writes “FTL” in the speed section of our example ships with the Hyper template. When it’s important to know how fast a ship can go at FTL speeds, use the speed of the vessel. For example the speed of an FTL ship might indicate the number of space sectors that the ship can cross in one week’s time. Or it might be the number of hyperspace jumps the ship can make per day. It’s up to the GM to set this up when designing the setting, or when PCs start to move beyond their starting planet.

In some cases you might not care too much how long things actually take, but you do need to know whether one ship or another would get somewhere first. You can use this number for that kind of calculation as well. Perhaps the difference in speed values determines the difference in hours or minutes between arrivals from the same start point. A faster ship in this case gets a slight edge in getting to a destination, perhaps able to set up an ambush or reach an important objective with adversaries on their heels.

Just as with squads of troops, squadrons are often the targets of Tactics school gambits, with strong leaders able to get the most out of an organized group.


Because the whole point of vehicles is to move fast, vessels that race across the battlefield sacrifice maneuvering for speed. Whenever a vehicle moves more than 1 square with their movement, that vehicle may not double back from a direction it has gone in on that turn. Thus, a starfighter that moves two squares northeast may not use its speed to move south or west for the rest of its turn.

Damage States

A vehicle is a machine, but inside it are lots of other machines.

So, even though the vehicle itself might be at full Hit Points, a particular system, such as propulsion or weapons, might be under attack by specialized gambits or weapons. Instead of assigning separate Hit Points for each of these systems, we simply give them the states of Operational, Disabled, and Scrambled.

An operational system is working fine; while a disabled system may not be used at all. A scrambled system may be used, but all related rolls are made at disadvantage. Scrambled is essentially the technological version of the poisoned condition.

Different types of vessels could have vastly different systems that could be targeted by attacks. In general a vehicle will have the following systems: Computers, Engines, Life Support, Weapons and possibly Shields. What happens when one of these systems goes down really depends on how technology works in your setting.

Usually computers going down could mean sensors and engineering stations are not functional, and shields going down means the vehicle AC is 2 points lower. Weapons going down means Gunnery stations no longer function. Life Support disabled means there’s only 10 minutes or so of air left on the ship.

Use the following times and difficulties when attempting to repair

Disabled or Scrambled systems:

Repairing Vehicle Systems
Problem DC to Fix Time Required per Roll
Battle station scrambled 10 1 bonus action
Battle station disabled 15 1 action
System scrambled 15 5 actions
System disabled 20 1 hour

Saves and other Stats

The vehicles provided in this chapter are made both as potential vessels for player character use, and as adversaries to do battle against. The stat blocks include skills and saves which generally represent those of the pilots and other crew at the Battle Stations of the ship. These are the kinds of proficiencies that vessel’s crew would most likely have.

In the case of the physical saves of Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength , these represent the vehicle itself, not the pilot, and player character stats are not used for the rolls. Constitution saves are made when the vehicle’s structure is at stake, such as during a hull breach. Dexterity saves are made when the raw maneuverability of the ship matters, such as when avoiding some projectiles. Strength saves represent the raw thrust of the vehicle’s engines, so it’s often used when resisting tractor beams and force fields.

When making save rolls on behalf of the ship, use the pilot or other logically affected character’s bonuses when saving against Charisma, Intelligence, and Wisdom; use the vessel’s trained or untrained bonuses when rolling for Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength .

Battle Stations

Vehicles generally have one or more Battle Stations, lettered A through Z, representing computer terminals and mechanical interfaces for various ship systems. Sometimes a vessel will have more than one identical station, in which case the station will be listed with a multiplier in parenthesis. For example a station entry might begin with B Gunnery (x5) for a vehicle with 5 similar gunnery stations.

Each Battle Station will have one or more ability, such as piloting or gunnery, associated with it. Only one character may use a Battle Station each round, though other nearby characters may help a character at a particular station.

Each station provides a single gambit, which may be used once during each encounter. Sometimes these gambits represent computer programs or other interface help that the station provides to novices. Other times the gambit is a resource that might get depleted, such as with missile launchers on gunnery stations. When used as adversaries these provided gambits can be used as a basic set of maneuvers and abilities the NPC vehicle has access to.

Piloting A Battle Station which allows the user to pilot the vessel. Only one character may do so each round. Only a piloting character may utilize Vehicles school gambits. Nearly all vehicles have a Piloting station, though many have two so that a co-pilot can be ready to take over when needed or help on tricky rolls. A pilot may use the ship’s movement as if it were their own, moving the vessel’s speed as a move, and then taking an action to fire weapons or use a skill as normal.

A pilot who takes the Dash action with a vehicle is moving quite fast and weapons cannot be used in a round in which this action has been taken. Similarly, if a gunnery station has been used, this drains the power of the ship preventing a Dash action from being taken by any pilots that round. In summary, a vehicle can either Dash or fire weapons, not both, unless a gambit specifically allows it to.


The Battle Station for accessing the vehicle’s more advanced sensor systems and communications. A character at the sensors station may use Investigation to scan for clues, Science to interpret data, or Perception to notice unusual phenomena. A character using Splicing gambits against another vehicle must be at a Sensors station.

When the scanning distance of the vehicle’s sensors matters, anything within a number of squares equal to the vessel’s Passive rating is viewable and able to be scanned.


The Battle Station from which any part of the vessel may be repaired with Engineering school gambits. A character at the Engineering station may use repair tools to heal the vehicle.


Gunnery stations are those which allow access to one of the ship’s onboard weapons. When designing a vehicle, the vessel should generally have one Gunnery station per attack the equivalent creature would have per round.

On ships intended for a smaller crew, such as with starfighters, a GM can remove a Gunnery station in the design process to add one base die to one of the vehicle’s attacks. Thus a ship that would normally have 2 attacks at 2d10 damage, might instead have a single station dealing 3d10 damage.

All gunnery station weapons fall under the ‘vehicle weapons’ weapon proficiency.


Vehicles get quirky with age and damage. Every time a Vehicle is reduced to one quarter or less of its maximum Hit Points, it gains a quirk. Vehicles may be purchased used for around half price, but they usually come with 1d4 quirks, some of which may not be immediately apparent to the buyer.

GMs can use the following table to randomly determine quirks, or as inspiration for developing quirks of their own.


d20 Quirk Effect
1 Battered The vehicle is beat up and broken, causing it to suffer a -2 penalty to AC.
2 Buggy Computer systems on are constantly malfunctioning. Any time a natural ‘1’ is rolled at a Battle Station, that station becomes scrambled.
3 Cobbled So many different technologies are connected together that repairing them is difficult. Repair related skill checks are made at disadvantage and gambits that heal the vessel’s Hit Points only recover half as many HP as they otherwise would (round down).
4 Fluctuating At the top of each round of combat randomly select one Battle Station on the vehicle. That station is not functional for the round.
5 Humid Environmental controls are locked so that humidity-loving creatures feel at ease, but all others are at disadvantage on Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength saves.
6 Infested An infestation of tiny life forms inhabits the vehicle. Characters in the vessel take 1 necrotic damage at the end of each long rest and may contract diseases at GM discretion.
7 Jumpy The engines have a tendency to act on their own. Whenever a piloting related roll results in a natural 15 or higher, the vessel moves forward 3 squares.
8 Leaky The vessel leaks coolant or other chemicals everywhere, causing acid damage to objects left unattended at a rate of 1 Hit Point per day. When crossing large rooms characters must succeed in a DC 10 Dexterity save to avoid falling prone.
9 Lockdown Unwarranted security protocols are permanently active, requiring a character to succeed in a DC 10 security tools roll in order to begin using a Battle Station each encounter.
10 Masochistic Sensors and engineering station skill checks are made at disadvantage unless a user hits/smacks the equipment as a bonus action while performing the skill.
11 Noisy Due to squeaks, rumbles, or simply a broken music system, the vehicle is incredibly distracting. All characters in the vessel suffer from the deafened condition. A DC 10 Charisma skill roll may be made to yell over the noise for one round.
12 Precarious It is dangerous to move within the vehicle, due to debris, exposed wires, or other hazards. Characters must succeed in a DC 10 Dexterity save to avoid 1 point of damage (slashing, lightning, etc.) when moving about the vessel.
13 Quirky Different parts of the vehicle have their own problems. Pick or roll one quirk for each Battle Station. Each quirk only affects characters using that station.
14 Repulsive The vehicle looks hideous, garish, or ruined. It cannot be sold for anything more than 25% of normal retail value.
15 Sentient The computer systems have their own agenda, requiring verbal cajoling at times. An Intimidation/Persuasion roll against DC 10 is required to perform any non-trivial computer task.
16 Shaky Shakes violently when using its Speed to move more than 4 squares in a turn, causing disadvantage on non-piloting Dexterity skill checks for 1 round.
17 Stolen The authorities think (right or wrong) that the vehicle is stolen property. They might be tipped off by identification numbers, transponder codes, or just the physical description of the vessel.
18 Sweltering The vessel heats up with strenuous use. After 10 rounds of combat, skill and attack rolls made within the vehicle are at disadvantage. Cooling off takes 1 hour without combat/travel.
19 Unreliable Choose one system when this quirk is acquired. Whenever the vessel firsts begins use of that system each day, roll 1d4. On a roll of ‘1’ the system becomes disabled.
20 Unsound The vehicle is a ticking time bomb of repair problems. Any time a piloting-related roll results in a natural ‘1’ the vehicle loses a number of Hit Points equal to one quarter of its maximum HP.

Experience in Vehicle Encounters

Vehicle encounters present a slight problem for GMs handing out XP based on the CR of the creature defeated. Since a vehicle bootstraps the character up onto a higher level playing field, able to take on much higher CR adversaries, handing out the normal XP can advance low level characters a bit too fast.

What’s more, there are all kinds of complications to this calculation.

When determining XP, should you include NPCs who were crew within the ship destroyed? What about those that were mere passengers, unable to participate in the fight? What about bystanders injured in a chase scene?

In large space battles with dozens or hundreds of ships involved, do the PCs get XP for any ship they did any damage to at all, even if it were minuscule? Only for those they land killing blow upon? How do you account for the assistance of squadrons?

Because of all these complications and the desire to have ever more interesting scenarios, it is suggested that the GM decide upon an XP value for participating in any battle that involves more than a half dozen vehicles or so. Merely getting into the fray and surviving earns the party this XP. The GM can simply hand out the amount of XP a typical encounter of their level would garner, adjusted for difficulty level as usual.

If you want an XP budget, simply attempt to balance the total XP values of the various sides in a conflict, with adjustments for terrain and other advantages each side might have.

Example: The PCs are on the side of the Insurgent Navy, making hit-and-run attacks on the Royal Spacefleet. Setting up for one of these encounters Barbara (the GM of the group) adds up the total XP value of the party’s ships, including those piloted by NPCs who’ve joined up with their squadron. She gets a total of 34,500 XP. She starts with this as her XP budget, but adds 25% to the total so that the encounter will err on the side of Hard. Using the listed XP values for the example ships, she builds a party of Spacefleet ships, including a few freighters and starfighters.

Barbara then figures out the XP thresholds for a Hard encounter for her PC group, using the chart on page 82 of the GMG. This is the amount of XP the player group will get if they survive the encounter.


In chases and other vehicular battles, it’s quite common for a vehicle to crash into another. In the Hypertech squares system this generally happens when one vehicle enters a square occupied by another, unless that vehicle has special features or gambits allowing it to do so unharmed, as with vehicles in a squadron. These rules also apply to crash landing.

All vehicles in a crash take an amount of bludgeoning damage based on the speed of the vehicle impacting the other. This damage is 1d10 for each space of movement the crashing vehicle moved leading up to the crash.

Characters inside of a crashing vehicle must succeed in a DC 15 Dexterity save or take one half the amount of damage their vehicle did, rounded down.


Much of the fun of vehicle encounters involves setting the stage for action with all sorts of dangerous situations. When mapping out the area GMs should make sure to designate areas with interesting hazards and effects, dealing ambient damage to those entering or providing cover.

Ideas include: lightning damage in an ion storm, radiation and fire damage in a solar flare, cold damage in a blizzard, and bludgeoning damage in an asteroid belt. Generally 1d10-5d10 damage will do the trick, subject to an appropriate save roll for half damage.

This is a great opportunity to get creative and really make encounters memorable.

Starting Vehicles

Some Backgrounds and Classes begin play with a starter vehicle. The following vehicles work well for beginning groups, allowing them to learn the ropes of vehicular combat:

City Skycar, Courier Shuttle, Hodgepodge Fighter, Light Freighter, Racing Pod, Recreational Skybike, Riding Lizard, Science Vessel, Scout Walker, Starfighter.

Air Vehicles

Assault Skybike

An assault skybike is a two-seat flying motorcycle, armed to the teeth.

Templates Little 1, Mobile 1, Resistant 1, Vulnerable 1

Size Small; Speed 7 squares (flying, land); CR 10; XP 5,900; AC 17; HP 190

Proficient Roll +8; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +4

Gunnery Stations 2

Skills Flying Vehicles, Intimidation, Perception, Stealth; passive Perception 16

Saves Constitution, Dexterity

Cost 7,500 credits

Battle Stations

  • Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors
    • Front Laser Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 4d10 (20) fire damage.
    • Provided Gambit: Buzz
    • Engineering, Gunnery
    • Back Laser Cannon, 3/7 square range, dealing 3d10 (15) fire damage.
    • Provided Gambit: Double Tap

Damage Resistances thunder


  • Flank. Vulnerable to damage on attacks from the sides.

City Skycar

A city skycar is a simple flying car for the urban family. A decent escape vehicle in a pinch.

Templates Resistant 1, Slow 1, Vulnerable 1

Size Medium; Speed 5 squares (flying, land); CR 5; XP 1,800; AC 15; HP 170

Proficient Roll +8; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +4

Gunnery Stations 0

Skills Flying Vehicles, Insight, Perception, Persuasion; passive Perception 16

Saves Charisma, Wisdom

Cost 2,500 credits

Battle Stations

  • Engineering, Piloting
    • Provided Gambit: Break Away

Damage Resistances thunder


  • Point Blank. Vulnerable to damage from ranged attacks made within 1 square.

Fighter Plane

A fighter plane is a jet fighter or other high speed aerial combat vehicle, heading to the danger zone.

Templates Mobile 2, Nimble 1, Resistant 1, Vulnerable 1

Size Medium; Speed 8 squares (flying); CR 13; XP 10,000; AC 18; HP 230

Proficient Roll +9; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +5

Gunnery Stations 2

Skills Flying Vehicles, Perception, Stealth; passive Perception 17

Saves Constitution, Dexterity, Wisdom

Cost 70,000 credits

Battle Stations

  • Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors
  • Front Laser Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 2d10 (10) fire damage.
  • NPC: +4 bonus to hit.
  • Provided Gambit: Guns Pass
    • Engineering, Gunnery
    • Back Laser Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 3d10 (15) fire damage.
    • NPC: +4 bonus to hit.
    • Provided Gambit: Seeker Missiles

    Damage Resistances thunder


    • Back Stab. Vulnerable to damage on attacks from behind.

    Pleasure Skiff

    Pleasure skiffs are slow-moving yachts of the sky. Pop some bubbly.

    Templates Big 2, Slow 2, Resistant 1, Vulnerable 1

    Size Huge; Speed 4 squares (flying); CR 9; XP 5,000; AC 14; HP 310

    Proficient Roll +9; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +5

    Gunnery Stations 3

    Skills Flying Vehicles, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion; passive Perception 17

    Saves Constitution, Strength

    Cost 80,000 credits

    Battle Stations

    • Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors
    • Forward Laser Cannons, 3/5 square range, dealing 2d10 (10) fire damage.
    • Provided Gambit: Side Swipe
    • Engineering
    • Provided Gambit: Boost Defenses
    • Gunnery (x2), Port Laser Cannons, 5/10 square range, dealing 2d10 (10) fire damage.
    • Provided Gambit: Spray Fire

    Damage Resistances bludgeoning


    • Frontal Assault. Vulnerable to damage on attacks from the front.

    Racing Pod

    A racing pod is a compact vehicle employed in low altitude races. Most are custom built.

    Templates Little 1, Mobile 2, Nimble 1, Resistant 1, Vulnerable 1

    Size Small; Speed 8 squares (flying, land); CR 7; XP 2,900; AC 15; HP 150

    Proficient Roll +7; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +4

    Gunnery Stations 0

    Skills Flying Vehicles, Intimidation, Perception; passive Perception 15

    Saves Dexterity, Wisdom

    Cost 4,000 cr

    Battle Stations

    • Piloting
    • Provided Gambit: Buzz

    Damage Resistances bludgeoning


    • Territorial. Vulnerable to all damage when I’m outside of a designated racetrack.

    Recreational Skybike

    A recreational skybike is just for funning around on flying motorcycles.

    Templates Little 1, Mobile 1, Resistant 1, Vulnerable 1

    Size Small; Speed 7 squares (flying, land); CR 6; XP 2,300; AC 17; HP 150

    Proficient Roll +7; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +4

    Gunnery Stations 0

    Skills Flying Vehicles, Persuasion, Perception; passive Perception 15

    Saves Dexterity, Wisdom

    Cost 15,000 credits

Damage Resistances thunder

Battle Stations

  • Engineering, Piloting
  • Provided Gambit: Lose the Tail


  • Flank. Vulnerable to damage on attacks from the sides.

Sports Skycar

A sports skycar is a fast, sleek, flying car. Comes in both convertible and hard-top varieties.

Templates Mobile 3, Resistant 1, Vulnerable 1

Size Medium; Speed 9 squares (flying, land); CR 9; XP 5,000; AC 15; HP 190

Proficient Roll +8; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +4

Gunnery Stations 0

Skills Flying Vehicles, Perception, Persuasion; passive Perception 16

Saves Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity

Cost 90,000 credits

Battle Stations

  • Engineering, Piloting, Sensors
  • Provided Gambit: Close In

Damage Resistances slashing


  • Small Weak Point. Vulnerable to damage from attacks that hit the center of the roof of the skycar. Attacks against that spot are made at Disadvantage.

Surveillance Drone

A surveillance drone is an unmanned flying robot, spying for a government and defending itself if caught.

Templates Mobile 1, Resistant 1, Vulnerable 1

Size Medium; Speed 7 squares (flying, land); CR 11; XP 7,200; AC 16; HP 230

Proficient Roll +9; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +5

Gunnery Stations (unmanned) 3

Skills Flying Vehicles, Investigation, Perception, Science, Stealth; passive Perception 17

Saves Dexterity, Constitution

Cost 60,000 cr

Battle Stations

  • Engineering, Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors (x3)
  • Laser Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 2d10 (10) fire damage.
  • Provided Gambit: Electric Jolt

Damage Resistances fire


  • Sight Reliant. Vulnerable to damage on attacks made by invisible foes.

Troop Transporter

This aerial troop carrier is used for quick battlefield deployment.

Templates Big 1, Mobile 1, Resistant 1, Vulnerable 1

Size Large; Speed 7 squares (flying, land); CR 9; XP 5,000; AC 15; HP 220

Proficient Roll +8; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +4

Gunnery Stations 1

Skills Flying Vehicles, Investigation, Perception, Stealth; passive Perception 16

Saves Constitution, Dexterity

Cost 20,000 cr

Battle Stations

  • Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors
  • Front Mounted Blast Cannon, 7/12 square range, dealing 4d8 (16) fire damage.
  • Provided Gambit: Hard Landing
  • Engineering
  • Provided Gambit: Quick Fix

Damage Resistances bludgeoning


  • Flank. Vulnerable to damage on attacks from the sides.

Civilian Vehicles

Asteroid Miner

Asteroid miners are special purpose-built ships designed for deep space mining.

Templates Big 1, Resistant 2, Slow 2, Vulnerable 1

Size Large; Speed 4 squares (space); CR 9; XP 5,000; AC 14; HP 260

Proficient Roll +9; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +5

Gunnery Stations 1

Skills Perception, Science, Space Vehicles; passive Perception 17

Saves Constitution, Strength , Wisdom

Cost 55,000 cr

Battle Stations

  • Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors
  • Plasma Mining Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 4d10 (20) fire damage.
  • Provided Gambit: Double Tap
  • Engineering, Sensors
  • Provided Gambit: Compromise Integrity

Damage Resistances fire, radiation


  • Exposed Attack. Vulnerable to all damage in the turn following my own attack.

Bulk Freighter

Bulk freighters are lumbering cargo-hauling starships.

Templates Big 1, Hyper 1, Resistant 1, Slow 3, Vulnerable 1

Size Large; Speed 3 squares (FTL, space); CR 13; XP 10,000; AC 14; HP 360

Proficient Roll +11; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +6

Gunnery Stations 2

Skills Perception, Space Vehicles, Survival; passive Perception 19

Saves Constitution, Intelligence, Strength , Wisdom

Cost 120,000 cr

Battle Stations

  • Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors
  • Laser Cannon, 3/5 square range, dealing 3d12 (18) fire damage.
  • Provided Gambit: Side Swipe
  • Engineering, Piloting, Sensors
  • Provided Gambit: Liberation
  • C. Gunnery
  • Laser Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 3d12 (18) fire damage.
  • Provided Gambit: Dead Aim

Damage Resistances fire


  • Combined Attack. Vulnerable to damage on attacks from a foe that is getting Help from 2 or more allies on that attack.

Courier Shuttle

Courier shuttles are small craft, designed for delivery of important passengers.

Templates Hyper 1, Little 1, Mobile 3, Resistant 1, Vulnerable 1

Size Small; Speed 9 squares (FTL, space); CR 12; XP 8,400; AC 18; HP 230

Proficient Roll +9; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +5

Gunnery Stations 0

Skills Perception, Persuasion, Science, Space Vehicles, Stealth; passive Perception 17

Saves Dexterity, Intelligence

Cost 50,000 cr

Battle Stations

  • Piloting, Engineering, Sensors
  • Provided Gambit: Break Away

Damage Resistances radiation


  • Point Blank. Vulnerable to damage from ranged attacks made within 5 ft. (1 square).

Escape Pod

Escape pods are just what’s needed to get away quickly!

Templates Little 2, Slow 4, Resilient 2, Vulnerable 1

Size Tiny; Speed 2 squares (flying, space); CR 1; XP 200; AC 12; HP 110

Proficient Roll +6; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +3

Gunnery Stations 0

Skills Insight, Persuasion, Stealth; passive Perception 14

Saves Constitution, Dexterity

Cost 500 cr

Battle Stations

  • Engineering, Piloting
  • Provided Gambit: Blind Spot

Damage Resistances fire, bludgeoning


  • Flank. Vulnerable to damage on attacks from the sides.

Garbage Scow

Garbage scows are truly massive space freighters often hauling dangerous materials.

Templates Big 2, Hyper 1, Resistant 1, Slow 2, Vulnerable 1

Size Huge; Speed 4 squares (FTL, space); CR 17; XP 18,000; AC 16; HP 450

Proficient Roll +12; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +6

Gunnery Stations 4

Skills Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Space Vehicles, Survival; passive Perception 20

Saves Constitution, Strength , Wisdom

Cost 150,000 cr

Battle Stations

  • Piloting, Sensors
  • Provided Gambit: Gravity Defense
  • Piloting, Engineering
  • Provided Gambit: Shunt Power
  • Gunnery (x4) Radiation Cannon, 4/9 square range, dealing 3d8 (12) radiation damage.
  • Provided Gambit: Spray Fire

Damage Resistances radiation


  • Territorial. Vulnerable to all damage when I’m outside the trade routes.

Interstellar Cruise Ship

Interstellar cruise ships usually haul thousands of retirees and vacationing professionals, journeying to the stars for a weeks and months of paradise.

Templates Big 3, Hyper 1, Resistant 1, Slow 2, Tough 1, Vulnerable 1

Size Gargantuan; Speed 4 squares (FTL, space); CR 15; XP 13,000; AC 16; HP 500

Proficient Roll +11; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +6

Gunnery Stations 2

Skills Investigation, Perception, Space Vehicles; passive Perception 19

Saves Charisma, Constitution, Intelligence, Strength , Wisdom

Cost 2,000,000 cr

Battle Stations

  • Piloting, Sensors
  • Provided Gambit: Gravity Defense
  • Engineering, Sensors
  • Provided Gambit: Boost Defenses
  • Gunnery (x2), Small Laser Array, 3/12 square range, dealing 3d12 (18) fire damage.
  • Provided Gambit: Spray Fire

Damage Resistances cold


  • Back Stab. Vulnerable to damage on attacks from behind.

Light Freighter

The perfect vessel for an imperfect crew.

Templates Hyper 1, Resistant 1, Tough 1, Vulnerable 1

Size Medium; Speed 6 squares (FTL, space); CR 13; XP 10,000; AC 17; HP 290

Proficient Roll +10; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +5

Gunnery Stations 3

Skills Investigation, Perception, Space Vehicles, Survival; passive Perception 18

Saves Constitution, Dexterity, Strength

Cost 18,000 cr

Battle Stations

  • Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors
  • Side Laser Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 2d10 (10) fire damage.
  • Provided Gambit: Close Maneuvers
  • Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors
  • Side Laser Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 2d10 (10) fire damage.
  • Provided Gambit: Search Pattern
  • C. Engineering, Sensors
  • Provided Gambit: Lay of the Land
  • D. Gunnery Heavy Laser Cupola, 6/12 square range, dealing 3d10 (15) fire damage.
  • Provided Gambit: Spray Fire

Damage Resistances radiation


  • Combined Attack. Vulnerable to damage on attacks from a foe that is getting Help from 2 or more allies on that attack.

Luxury Yacht

Expensive, sizable, and impressive. Advanced security and a few defensive measures to fend off the pirates.

Templates Big 1, Hyper 1, Resistant 1, Slow 1, Vulnerable 1

Size Large; Speed 5 squares (FTL, space); CR 13; XP 10,000; AC 16; HP 320

Proficient Roll +10; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +5

Gunnery Stations 1

Skills Deception, Persuasion, Space Vehicles; passive Perception 18

Saves Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Strength

Cost 500,000 cr

Battle Stations

  • Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors
  • Oversized Energy Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 5d12 (30) fire damage.
  • Provided Gambit: Seeker Missiles


  • Provided Gambit: Shunt Power

Damage Resistances lightning


  • Frontal Assault. Vulnerable to damage on attacks from the front.

Sports Starship

Designed for cruising around the solar system in style.

Templates Mobile 2, Resistant 1, Vulnerable 1

Size Medium; Speed 8 squares (space); CR 12; XP 8,400; AC 16; HP 250

Proficient Roll +10; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +5

Gunnery Stations 0

Skills Deception, Space Vehicles; passive Perception 18

Saves Dexterity, Intelligence

Cost 200,000 cr

Battle Stations

  • Engineering, Piloting, Sensors
  • Provided Gambit: Intimidating Presence

Damage Resistances thunder


  • Vengeful. Vulnerable to all damage from the first foe to damage me this encounter.

Sun Diver

Rare custom science ship designed for studying sun-based life and surviving on very hostile worlds.

Templates Hyper 1, Resistant 4, Slow 2, Vulnerable 1

Size Medium; Speed 6 squares (FTL, space); CR 10; XP 5,900; AC 16; HP 210

Proficient Roll +9; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +5

Gunnery Stations 1

Skills Investigation, Science, Space Vehicles, Survival; passive Perception 17

Saves Constitution, Strength

Cost 800,000 cr

Battle Stations

  • Piloting, Sensors
  • Provided Gambit: Gravity Defense
  • Piloting, Engineering
  • Provided Gambit: Sun Dive
    • Gunnery Gravity Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 4d10 (20) force damage.
    • Provided Gambit: Spray Fire

      Damage Immunities fire, radiation


    • Frontal Assault. Vulnerable to damage on attacks from the front.

    Government Vehicles

    Diplomatic Shuttle

    Fast shuttle equipped with defensive weaponry, for transporting important personnel and cargo.

    Templates Hyper 1, Little 1, Mobile 3, Resistant 1, Vulnerable 1

    Size Small; Speed 9 squares (FTL, space); CR 14; XP 11,500; AC 18; HP 250

    Proficient Roll +10; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +5

    Gunnery Stations 2

    Skills Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Persuasion, Space Vehicles; passive Perception 18

    Saves Charisma, Dexterity

    Cost 70,000 cr

    Battle Stations

    • Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors
    • Front Laser Emitter, 3/7 square range, dealing 2d10 (10) fire damage.
    • Provided Gambit: Break Away
      • Engineering, Piloting
      • Provided Gambit: Liberation
      • C. Gunnery Back Cryo Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 4d10 (20) cold damage.
      • Provided Gambit: Dead Aim

      Damage Resistances fire


    • Bane. Vulnerable to damage from missiles.

    Exploration Lander

    Scientific explorer ship. Becomes a basecamp once landed.

    Templates Big 1, Hyper 1, Resistant 2, Slow 2, Vulnerable 1

    Size Large; Speed 4 squares (FTL, space); CR 8; XP 3,900; AC 13; HP 240

    Proficient Roll +8; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +4

    Gunnery Stations 3

    Skills Investigation, Science, Space Vehicles, Survival; passive Perception 16

    Saves Constitution, Intelligence

    Cost 120,000 cr

    Battle Stations

    • Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors

      Defensive Maser Cannons, 4/8 square range, dealing 2d10 (10) fire damage.

    • Provided Gambit: Reverse Polarity
    • Engineering, Sensors
    • Provided Gambit: Lay of the Land
    • C. Gunnery (x2)
    • Maser Cupola, 6/12 square range, dealing 2d10 (10) fire damage.
    • Provided Gambit: Dead Aim

    Damage Resistances cold, radiation


  • Technology Reliant. Vulnerable to all damage once my sensors go down.

Inspection Ship

Searching for smuggled goods and dutifully enforcing blockades.

Templates Mobile 1, Resistant 1, Vulnerable 1

Size Medium; Speed 7 squares (space); CR 16; XP 15,000; AC 17; HP 310

Proficient Roll +11; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +6

Gunnery Stations 4

Skills Investigation, Perception, Space Vehicles; passive Perception 19

Saves Charisma, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom

Cost 150,000 cr

Battle Stations

  • Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors
  • Laser, 5/10 square range, dealing 2d12 (12) fire damage.
  • Provided Gambit: Lay of the Land
    • Engineering, Piloting, Sensors
    • Provided Gambit: Survey

      Gunnery (x3)

    • Cutting Laser, 3/8 square range, dealing 2d12 (12) fire damage.
    • Provided Gambit: Shoot First

    Damage Resistances thunder


    • Territorial. Vulnerable to all damage when I’m outside the gravity well of my planet.

    Planetary Defense Fighter

    Old starfighter that’s not nearly as pretty as the newer models.

    Templates Hyper 1, Little 1, Resistant 1, Slow 1, Vulnerable 1

    Size Small; Speed 5 squares (FTL, space); CR 16; XP 15,000; AC 19; HP 330

    Proficient Roll +12; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +6

    Gunnery Stations 1

    Skills Investigation, Perception, Space Vehicles, Stealth; passive Perception 20

    Saves Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Wisdom

    Cost 150,000 cr

    Battle Stations

    • Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors
    • Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 5d12 (30) fire damage.
    • Provided Gambit: Hunt

    Damage Resistances force


    • Combined Attack. Vulnerable to damage on attacks from a foe that is getting Help from 2 or more allies on that attack.

    Planetary Defense Satellite

    Orbital laser canon, protecting planets from invasion.

    Templates Big 2, Deadly 2, Resistant 1, Slow 6, Vulnerable 1

    Size Huge; Speed 0 squares (space); CR 21; XP 33,000; AC 13; HP 530

    Proficient Roll +14; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +7

    Gunnery Stations 1

    Skills Investigation, Perception, Science, Space Vehicles; passive Perception 22

    Saves Charisma, Constitution, Intelligence, Strength , Wisdom

    Cost 1,500,000 cr

    Battle Stations

    • Gunnery, Sensors
    • Laser Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 11d10 (55) fire damage.
    • Provided Gambit: Seeker Missiles
      • Engineering, Sensors
      • Provided Gambit: Boost Defenses

      Damage Resistances fire


    • Technology Reliant. Vulnerable to all damage once the planetary information network/shield network goes down.

    Science Vessel

    A starship packed to the thrusters with science equipment and smart beings.

    Templates Controlling 1, Mobile 2, Resistant 1, Vulnerable 1, Wily 1

    Size Medium; Speed 8 squares (FTL, space); CR 15; XP 13,000; AC 17; HP 270

    Proficient Roll +10; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +5

    Gunnery Stations 3

    Skills Investigation, Perception, Science, Space Vehicles; passive Perception 18

    Saves Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom

    Cost 100,000 cr Gambits Tricks: Push the Limit, Targeted Attack

    Level 1-3 (3 slots/day): Analysis, Reverse Polarity, Shunt Power

    Battle Stations

    • Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors
    • Specimen Manipulator Beam, 5/10 square range, dealing 3d12 (18) force damage and pulling the target 3 squares towards me.
    • Provided Gambit: Survey
    • Engineering, Piloting, Sensors
    • Provided Gambit: Boost Weapon
    • C. Gunnery (x2)
    • Port Proton Cannon, 4/8 square range, dealing 2d12 (12) radiation damage.
    • Provided Gambit: Dead Aim

    Damage Resistances radiation


  • Technology Reliant. Vulnerable to all damage once sensor systems go down.

Shield Generator

Satellite shield projector for a colony or defensive weapon.

Templates Big 1, Resistant 1, Slow 4, Tough 2, Vulnerable 1

Size Large; Speed 2 squares (space); CR 7; XP 2,900; AC 14; HP 360

Proficient Roll +9; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +5

Gunnery Stations 1

Skills Science, Space Vehicles; passive Perception 17

Saves Charisma, Constitution, Intelligence, Strength , Wisdom

Cost 750,000 cr

Battle Stations

  • Engineering, Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors
  • Shield Projector, 5/10 square range, target has +4 AC for so long as the pilot concentrates.
  • Provided Gambit: Boost Defenses

Damage Resistances fire


  • Frontal Assault. Vulnerable to damage on attacks from the front.

Space City

An immense mobile city, holding hundreds of thousands of residents. Often found in migrant fleets of 3 or more.

Templates Big 3, Resistant 1, Slow 4, Vulnerable 1

Size Gargantuan; Speed 2 squares (FTL, space); CR 11; XP 7,200; AC 13; HP 440

Proficient Roll +11; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +6

Gunnery Stations 4

Skills Insight, Persuasion, Science, Space Vehicles; passive Perception 19

Saves Charisma, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom

Cost 1,000,000,000+ cr

Battle Stations

  • Piloting, Sensors
  • Provided Gambit: Fire at Will
    • Engineering, Sensors
    • Provided Gambit: Observation
    • C. Gunnery (x4)
    • Anti-Vehicle Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 2d12 (12) lightning damage and pushing the target 3 squares away.
    • Provided Gambit: Seeker Missiles

    Damage Resistances radiation


  • Isolation. Vulnerable to all damage when my allies are more than 6 squares from me.

Land Vehicles

Assault Walker

Walking heavy weapons platform for sieges and ground assaults.

Templates Big 3, Resistant 1, Slow 2, Tough 1, Vulnerable 1

Size Gargantuan; Speed 4 squares (land); CR 14; XP 11,500; AC 16; HP 460

Proficient Roll +10; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +5

Gunnery Stations 4

Skills History, Land Vehicles; passive Perception 18

Saves Charisma, Constitution, Strength , Wisdom

Cost 350,000 cr

Battle Stations

  • Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors
  • Font Laser Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 2d12 (12) fire damage.
  • Provided Gambit: Evacuation

    Gunnery, Piloting, Engineering

  • Provided Gambit: Seeker Missiles

    Gunnery (x2)

  • Dual Laser Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 2d12 (12) fire damage.
  • Provided Gambit: Spray Fire

Damage Resistances thunder


  • Small Weak Point. Vulnerable to damage from attacks targeting my legs, which are made at Disadvantage.

Riding Lizard

Massive lizard, trained as an agile riding animal.

Templates Little 1, Mobile 3, Nimble 1, Resistant 1, Vulnerable 1

Size Small; Speed 9 squares (land); CR 10; XP 5,900; AC 17; HP 130

Proficient Roll +7; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +4

Gunnery Stations 1

Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Perception, Stealth; passive Perception 15

Saves Dexterity

Cost 1,000 cr

Battle Stations

  • “Gunnery”, Piloting Lizard Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: . Hit: 2d10+4 (14) slashing damage. NPC: +2 bonus to hit.
  • Provided Gambit: Hunt

Damage Resistances lightning


  • Bane. Vulnerable to cold damage.

Scout Walker

Quick walking tank, designed for high-speed ground assaults.

Templates Big 1, Mobile 1, Resistant 1, Vulnerable 1

Size Medium; Speed 6 squares (land); CR 8; XP 3,900; AC 15; HP 170

Proficient Roll +8; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +4

Gunnery Stations 2

Skills Investigation, Perception, Land Vehicles, Survival; passive Perception 16

Saves Dexterity, Wisdom

Cost 150,000 cr

Battle Stations

  • Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors
  • Heavy Laser Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 3d8 (12) fire damage.
  • Provided Gambit: Spray Fire

    Gunnery, Engineering Laser Cannon, 4/8 square range, dealing 2d8 (8) fire damage.

  • Provided Gambit: Liberation

Damage Resistances thunder


  • Small Weak Point. Vulnerable to damage from attacks on my legs, which are made at Disadvantage.

Military Vehicles

Bomber Starfighter

Heavy weapons fighter, generally escorted by quicker starships.

Templates Deadly 1, Little 1, Resistant 1, Tough 1, Slow 1, Vulnerable 1

Size Small; Speed 5 squares (space); CR 12; XP 8,400; AC 18; HP 270

Proficient Roll +9; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +5

Gunnery Stations 2

Skills Investigation, Perception, Space Vehicles; passive Perception 17

Saves Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom

Cost 325,000 cr

Battle Stations

  • Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors
  • Small Laser Cannon, 4/7 square range, dealing 2d10 (10) fire damage.
  • Provided Gambit: Seeker Missiles

    Gunnery, Engineering Plasma Bomb, 3×3 square area within 7 square range, dealing 5d10 (25) fire damage, Dexterity save for half damage.

  • Provided Gambit: Seeker Missiles

Damage Resistances lightning


  • Combined Attack. Vulnerable to damage on attacks from a foe that is getting Help from 2 or more allies on that attack.

Fast Starfighter

The perfect starship for the showoff space ace in your squadron.

Templates Hyper 1, Little 1, Mobile 2, Nimble 1, Resistant 1, Vulnerable 1

Size Small; Speed 8 squares (FTL, space); CR 14; XP 11,500; AC 19; HP 230

Proficient Roll +9; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +5

Gunnery Stations 1

Skills Investigation, Perception, Space Vehicles, Stealth; passive Perception 17

Saves Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom

Cost 225,000 cr

Battle Stations

  • Engineering, Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors
  • Dual Laser Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 4d10 (20) fire damage. NPC: +2 bonus to hit.
  • Provided Gambit: Stay On

Damage Resistances lightning


  • Frontal Assault. Vulnerable to damage on attacks from the front.


Starship designed for large battles and orbital bombardment.

Templates Big 2, Deadly 2, Hyper 1, Slow 1, Resistant 1, Tough 1, Vulnerable 1

Size Huge; Speed 5 squares (FTL, space); CR 21; XP 33,000; AC 18; HP 490

Proficient Roll +12; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +6

Gunnery Stations 6

Skills Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Space Vehicles; passive Perception 20

Saves Constitution, Intelligence, Strength , Wisdom

Cost 3,000,000 cr

Battle Stations

  • Piloting, Sensors
  • Provided Gambit: Search Pattern


  • Provided Gambit: Shunt Power

    Gunnery (x6)

  • Cupola, 6/12 square range, dealing 4d8 (16) fire damage.
  • Provided Gambit: Heavy Rocket

Damage Resistances thunder


  • Small Weak Point. Vulnerable to damage from attacks that hit my heat dispersion dish. Attacks against that spot are made at Disadvantage.

Heavy Starfighter

Heavy firepower, hard to take down. Still fast enough for hit and run tactics.

Templates Deadly 1, Harmful 1, Little 1, Resistant 1, Tough 1, Vulnerable 1

Size Small; Speed 6 squares (FTL, space); CR 15; XP 13,000; AC 19; HP 270

Proficient Roll +9; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +5

Gunnery Stations 2

Skills Intimidation, Perception, Space Vehicles; passive Perception 17

Saves Constitution, Dexterity, Strength

Cost 200,000 cr

Battle Stations

  • Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors
  • Plasma Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 2d10 (10) fire damage.
  • Provided Gambit: Spray Fire
    • Engineering, Gunnery Ion Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 5d10 (25) lightning damage and the target must succeed in a Constitution save or become scrambled for 1d6 rounds, or until successful in a Constitution save on the pilot’s turn.
    • Provided Gambit: Heavy Rocket

    Damage Resistances lightning


    • Flank. Vulnerable to damage on attacks from the sides.


    Armed with powerful tractor beams, these cruisers patrol the space lanes, picking their battles.

    Templates Big 2, Harmful 3, Resistant 1, Tough 1, Vulnerable 1

    Size Huge; Speed 6 squares (FTL, space); CR 19; XP 22,000; AC 19; HP 470

    Proficient Roll +12; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +6

    Gunnery Stations 4

    Skills Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Science, Space Vehicles; passive Perception 20

    Saves Charisma, Constitution, Wisdom

    Cost 3,000,000 cr

    Battle Stations

    • Piloting, Sensors
    • Laser Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 2d12 (12) fire damage.
    • Provided Gambit: Close In
      • Engineering, Sensors
      • Provided Gambit: Track Creature

        Gunnery (x3)

      • Gravity Cannon, 7/14 square range, dealing 2d12 (12) force damage and the target must succeed in a Strength save or become restrained for 1d6 rounds, or until successful in a Strength save on the pilot’s turn. Can be used against ships in nearby hyperspace, pulling them into real space on a hit.
      • Provided Gambit: Double Tap

      Damage Resistances thunder


      • MacGuffin. Vulnerable to all damage this encounter once I lose possession of the ship I’m after.

      Invasion Ship

      Designed for planetary assault through troop deployment. Holds thousands of soldiers and dozens of ground vehicles.

      Templates Hyper 1, Resistant 1, Slow 1, Tough 3, Vulnerable 1

      Size Medium; Speed 5 squares (FTL, space); CR 23; XP 50,000; AC 21; HP 530

      Proficient Roll +14; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +7

      Gunnery Stations 5

      Skills Investigation, Perception, Space Vehicles, Stealth; passive Perception 22

      Saves Charisma, Constitution, Strength , Intelligence, Wisdom

      Cost 2,000,000 cr

      Battle Stations

      • Piloting, Sensors
      • Provided Gambit: Hard Landing


      • Provided Gambit: Boost Weapon
      • C. Gunnery (x5)

        Assault Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 3d8 (12) fire damage.

      • Provided Gambit: Seeker Missiles

      Damage Resistances thunder


      • Flank. Vulnerable to damage on attacks from the sides.

      Planet Killer

      A weapon capable of destroying a planet. As big as a small moon.

      Templates Big 3, Deadly 4, Resistant 1, Slow 6, Tough 2, Vulnerable 1

      Size -; Speed 0 squares (space); CR 30; XP 155,000; AC 17; HP 780

      Proficient Roll +17; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +9

      Gunnery Stations 1

      Skills Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Persuasion, Science, Space Vehicles; passive Perception 25

      Saves Charisma, Constitution, Intelligence, Strength , Wisdom

      Cost 5,000,000,000,000 cr

      Battle Stations

      • Piloting, Sensors
      • Provided Gambit: True Seeing
        • Engineering, Sensors
        • Provided Gambit: Compromise Integrity

          Gunnery (takes a crew of 10)

        • Impossibly Big Laser, 10/20 square range, destroying target vehicle, moon, or planet.
        • Provided Gambit: Heavy Rockets

        Damage Resistances fire


        • Small Weak Point. Vulnerable to damage from attacks that hit my exhaust port. Attacks against that spot are made at Disadvantage and the attacker must be within 1 square of the port.

        Spy Ship

        A stealthy starship with advanced sensors.

        Templates Hyper 1, Mobile 1, Nimble 1, Resistant 1, Vulnerable 1, Wily 1

        Size Medium; Speed 7 squares (FTL, space); CR 17; XP 18,000; AC 18; HP 310

        Proficient Roll +11; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +6

        Gunnery Stations 2

        Skills Deception, Investigation, Perception, Space Vehicles, Stealth; passive Perception 19

        Saves Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence

        Cost 1,500,000 cr

        • Gambits This creature can use the following gambits, requiring no components:
        • Tricks: Camouflage, Distraction
          • 1st-3rd Level (3 slots/day): Blind Spot, Lay of the Land, Nondetection

        Battle Stations

        • A. Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors
        • UV Laser Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 2d12 (12) fire damage. NPC: +2 bonus to hit.
        • Provided Gambit: Under the Radar
          • Engineering, Gunnery
          • Virus Transmitter, 5/10 square range, dealing 4d12 (24) lightning damage. NPC: +2 bonus to hit.
          • Provided Gambit: Jamming

          Damage Resistances lightning


          • Exposed Attack. Vulnerable to all damage in the turn following my UV Laser Cannon attack.

          Simple Starfighter

          Cheap fighter without FTL capabilities or heavy weapons, winning through sheer numbers.

          Templates Little 1, Nimble 1, Resistant 1, Vulnerable 1

          Size Small; Speed 6 squares (space); CR 9; XP 5,000; AC 18; HP 170

          Proficient Roll +8; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +4

          Gunnery Stations 1

          Skills Investigation, Perception, Space Vehicles; passive Perception 16

          Saves Dexterity, Wisdom

          Cost 70,000 cr

          Battle Stations

          • Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors
          • Laser Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 4d8 (16) fire damage. NPC: +2 bonus to hit.
          • Provided Gambit: Break Away

          Damage Resistances lightning


          • Isolation. Vulnerable to all damage when my allies are more than 6 squares from me.

          Stock Starfighter

          Versatile FTL capable fighter. Capable in war, patrol, and hit-and-run assaults.

          Templates Hyper 1, Little 1, Mobile 1, Resistant 1, Vulnerable 1

          Size Small; Speed 7 squares (FTL, space); CR 12; XP 8,400; AC 18; HP 230

          Proficient Roll +9; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +5

          Gunnery Stations 1

          Skills Investigation, Perception, Persuasion, Space Vehicles; passive Perception 17

          Saves Constitution, Dexterity, Wisdom

          Cost 190,000 cr

          Battle Stations

          • Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors
          • Quad Laser Cannons, 5/10 square range, dealing 4d10 (20) fire damage.
          • Provided Gambit: Spray Fire
            • Engineering, Piloting
            • Provided Gambit: Seeker Missiles

            Damage Resistances lightning


            • Back Stab. Vulnerable to damage on attacks from behind.


            Asteroid Wyrm

            Great writhing beast of the voids, living off asteroid minerals and starship hulls.

            Templates Big 3, Deadly 3, Resistant 1, Slow 1, Vulnerable 1

            Size Gargantuan; Speed 5 squares (FTL, space); CR 22; XP 41,000; AC 19; HP 570

            Proficient Roll +15; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +8

            Gunnery Stations 1

            Skills Athletics, Intimidation, Perception; passive Perception 23

            Saves Constitution, Dexterity, Strength


            • Tremendous Bite. melee attack, dealing 14d10 (70) piercing damage.
            • Damage Resistances. fire


            • Territorial. Vulnerable to all damage when I’m outside my home asteroid.

            Living Drone Ship

            A small insectoid starfighter, deployed from its mothership.

            Templates Cooperative 1, Little 2, Nimble 1, Resistant 1, Vulnerable 1

            Size Tiny; Speed 6 squares (FTL, space); CR 8; XP 3,900; AC 19; HP 110

            Proficient Roll +6; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +3

            Gunnery Stations 1

            Skills Perception, Intimidation, Space Vehicles, Stealth; passive Perception 14

            Saves Dexterity

            Cooperative Gains half cover when within 1 square of an ally vehicle.

            Battle Stations

            • A. Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors
            • Plasma Orifice, 3/6 square range, dealing 2d12 (12) fire damage. NPC: +2 bonus to hit.
            • Provided Gambit: Close Maneuvers

            Damage Resistances cold


            • Isolation. Vulnerable to all damage when my allies are more than 6 squares from me.

            Living Mothership

            Living hive starship, releasing dozens or even hundreds of drone children into space to do battle.

            Templates Big 3, Hyper 1, Resistant 1, Slow 2, Vulnerable 1

            Size Gargantuan; Speed 4 squares (FTL, space); CR 25; XP 75,000; AC 19; HP 660

            Proficient Roll +16; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +9

            Gunnery Stations 6

            Skills Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Space Vehicles; passive Perception 24

            Saves Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength

            Battle Stations

            • A. Piloting, Sensors
            • Provided Gambit: Fire at Will
              • Engineering, Sensors
              • Provided Gambit: Lay of the Land
              • C. Gunnery (x6)
                • Plasma Orifice, 6/12 square range, dealing 3d12 (18) fire damage.
                • Provided Gambit: Hunt

                Damage Resistances cold


                • Isolation. Vulnerable to all damage when my allies are more than 6 squares from me.

                Star Angel

                An energy being of unfathomable biology and intelligence, dancing among the stars.

                Templates Harmful 1, Hyper 1, Resistant 4, Vulnerable 1

                Size Medium; Speed 6 squares (FTL, space); CR 22; XP 41,000; AC 19; HP 410

                Proficient Roll +14; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +7

                Gunnery Stations 1

                Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Perception; passive Perception 22

                Saves Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom


                • Solar Flare, 7/14 square range, dealing 7d8 (28) fire damage and the target must succeed in a Constitution save or all vehicle systems become scrambled for 1d6 rounds, or until it succeeds in a Constitution save on its turn.

                  Damage Immunities fire, radiation


                  • Territorial. Vulnerable to all damage when I’m more than 20 squares from a star.

                  Outsider Vehicles

                  Hodgepodge Cruiser

                  Cobbled together from a variety of smaller ships. Often the crowning jewel of a pirate fleet.

                  Templates Big 1, Hyper 1, Resistant 1, Slow 1, Vulnerable 1

                  Size Large; Speed 5 squares (FTL, space); CR 16; XP 15,000; AC 17; HP 380

                  Proficient Roll +12; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +6

                  Gunnery Stations 4

                  Skills Deception, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Space Vehicles; passive Perception 20

                  Saves Charisma, Strength , Wisdom

                  Cost 250,000 cr

                  Battle Stations

                  • Piloting, Sensors
                  • Provided Gambit: Assault
                    • Engineering, Sensors
                    • Provided Gambit: Hunt
                    • C. Gunnery (x4)
                    • Makeshift Laser Cannon, 3/12 square range, dealing 2d12 (12) fire damage.
                    • Provided Gambit: Disabling Shot

                    Damage Resistances lightning


                    • Combined Attack. Vulnerable to damage on attacks from a foe that is getting Help from 2 or more allies on that attack.

                    Hodgepodge Fighter

                    An amalgam of destroyed ships, made to serve as a starfighter of sorts. Each is a work of art.

                    Templates Resistant 1, Vulnerable 1

                    Size Medium; Speed 6 squares (space); CR 9; XP 5,000; AC 15; HP 190

                    Proficient Roll +8; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +4

                    Gunnery Stations 1

                    Skills Deception, Investigation, Perception, Space Vehicles; passive Perception 16

                    Saves Dexterity, Wisdom

                    Cost 40,000 cr

                    Battle Stations

                    • Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors

                      Serviceable Laser Cannon: 4/8 square range, dealing 4d10 (20) fire damage.

                    • Provided Gambit: Blind Spot
                      • Engineering, Piloting
                      • Provided Gambit: Switcheroo

                      Damage Resistances lightning


                      • Retreat. Vulnerable to all damage when attempting to flee the battlefield.

                      Mobile Thieves’ Den

                      Who needs a spaceport when your hideout flies?

                      Templates Big 2, Hyper 1, Resistant 1, Slow 3, Vulnerable 1

                      Size Huge; Speed 3 squares (FTL, space); CR 16; XP 15,000; AC 15; HP 470

                      Proficient Roll +13; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +7

                      Gunnery Stations 4

                      Skills Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Space Vehicles, Stealth; passive Perception 21

                      Saves Charisma, Constitution, Strength

                      Cost 2,500,000 cr

                      Battle Stations

                      • Piloting, Sensors
                      • Provided Gambit: Survivable Surrender


                      • Provided Gambit: Boost Defenses

                        Gunnery (x4) Tiny Laser Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 3d8 (12) fire damage.

                      • Provided Gambit: Heavy Rocket

                      Damage Resistances bludgeoning


                      • Combined Attack. Vulnerable to damage on attacks from a foe that is getting Help from 2 or more allies on that attack.

                      Pirate Ship

                      A ship built for quick attack and plunder of weaker ships.

                      Templates Big 1, Harmful 2, Hyper 1, Mobile 2, Resistant 1, Vulnerable 1

                      Size Large; Speed 8 squares (FTL, space); CR 14; XP 11,500; AC 17; HP 340

                      Proficient Roll +11; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +6

                      Gunnery Stations 4

                      Skills Deception, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Space Vehicles; passive Perception 19

                      Saves Constitution, Dexterity, Wisdom

                      Cost 300,000 cr

                      Battle Stations

                      • Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors
                      • Main Laser Cannon, 4/8 square range, dealing 3d12 (18) fire damage.
                      • Provided Gambit: Search Pattern


                      • Provided Gambit: Liberation
                      • C. Gunnery (x2)
                      • Ion Cannon, 5/10 square range, dealing 2d12 (12) lightning damage and the target must succeed in a Strength save or become restrained for 1d6 rounds, or until it succeeds in a Strength save on its pilot’s turn.
                      • Provided Gambit: Spray Fire

                      Damage Resistances fire


                      • Greed. Vulnerable to all damage once I spot an expensive item I wish to possess, until I gain that item.

                      Scavenger Ship

                      A hauler designed to harvest parts from starship graveyards and other wreckage.

                      Templates Big 1, Controlling 1, Hyper 1, Resistant 1, Slow 2, Vulnerable 1

                      Size Large; Speed 4 squares (FTL, space); CR 10; XP 5,900; AC 14; HP 260

                      Proficient Roll +9; Unskilled Roll/Initiative +5

                      Gunnery Stations 2

                      Skills Investigation, Perception, Space Vehicles, Survival; passive Perception 17

                      Saves Dexterity, Intelligence

                      Cost 55,000 cr

                      Battle Stations

                      • Gunnery, Piloting, Sensors
                      • Laser Cutter, 5/10 square range, dealing 2d10 (10) fire damage.
                      • Provided Gambit: Observation
                        • Engineering, Sensors
                        • Provided Gambit: Analysis
                          • Gunnery Gravity Tow, 3/6 square range, dealing 2d10 (10) force damage and the target is pulled 3 squares towards me.
                          • Provided Gambit: Spray Fire

                      Damage Resistances lightning


                          • Greed. Vulnerable to all damage once I spot an expensive item I wish to possess, until I gain that item.
                      Section 15: Copyright Notice

                      HYPERLANES Developer Ryan Chaddock Copyright 2017 Scrivened, LLC

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