Ghoul, Poisonbearer

Family: Ghouls

Medium undead, chaotic evil

15 (+2) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 71 (11d8 + 22)
Speed 30 ft.
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren’t silvered
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages One common language of choice
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Special Traits

  • Death Spray. The instant a poisonbearer is killed or destroyed, the pustules on its skin all burst simultaneously, so that all creatures within 5 feet of it take 33 (6d10) poison damage, or half if they make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw. Each creature affected must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until it takes a long rest. Should the target die while poisoned, then it rises the next midnight as a poisonbearer ghoul.


  • Multiattack. The poisonbearer ghoul makes three attacks: two with its claws and one with its bite.
  • Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) piercing damage and 6 (2d10) poison damage. The target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until it takes a long rest. Should the target die while poisoned, then it rises the next midnight as a poisonbearer ghoul.
  • Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) slashing damage. If the target is a creature other than an elf or undead, it must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
  • Spit (Recharge 5-6). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 5/20 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (4d10) poison damage. The target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until it takes a long rest. Should the target die while poisoned, then it rises the next midnight as a poisonbearer ghoul.


This ghoulish being is even more disgusting than its typical cousins, for it is covered in broken, oozing pustules.

A poisonbearer often begins by spitting its poison at one or more targets and then charging in to attack with tooth and claw.

Poisonbearer ghouls are fearless in combat, fighting to the last – they are fanatical in their devotion to their dark master, and willingly allow themselves to be destroyed in order to spread their horrid disease.

Feverish Bite. The substance exuded by the creature’s diseased kin can transfer its horrible form of ghoul fever. It also has a magical poison it produces in its mouth, which it can spit at foe or transfer with a bite and which resists magical attempts to cure it.

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Creature Collection 5e Copyright 2020 Onyx Path Publishing, Inc.